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Rip in a sentence

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Sentence count:153+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: breakcuttearSimilar words: gripstripscriptdescriptionprescriptionMeaning: [rɪp]  n. 1. a dissolute man in fashionable society 2. an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart 3. a stretch of turbulent water in a river or the sea caused by one current flowing into or across another current 4. the act of rending or ripping or splitting something. v. 1. tear or be torn violently 2. move precipitously or violently 3. cut (wood) along the grain 4. criticize or abuse strongly and violently. 
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1. He had seen the rip in the book.
2. I heard the tent rip.
3. If we wrote I think he would rip up the letter.
4. Come on Steve-let her rip.
5. She let rip about the state of the kitchen.
6. Once on the open road, he let rip.
7. The shop tried to rip me off.
8. Turn the guitars up full and let rip.
9. This would cause inflation to let rip again.
10. They just let inflation rip.
11. Your sleeve has got a rip in it.
12. There's a big rip in my sleeve.
13. You should rip the cover off the box first.
14. You mess with me, and I'll rip your head off.
15. They went so far as to rip off banks in broad daylight.
16. I felt the banner rip as we were pushed in opposite directions.
17. Underneath this image of normalcy, addiction threatened to rip this family apart.
18. Looking at the rip in her new dress, she flew into a rage.
19. What happened to your jacket? There's a big rip in the sleeve.
20. The group let rip with a single from their new album.
21. Fran took a slow deep breath, then let rip[], yelling and shouting at him.
22. I tried not to rip the paper as I unwrapped it.
23. Let her/it rip!
24. It may rip itself up with ethnic conflicts.
25. He wanted to rip it out of the wall.
26. Next day, Miss Stone decided to sew up the rip.
27. The nail perforated her coat and left an ugly rip.
28. When she gets angry with her boyfriend, she really lets rip at him.
28. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
29. The ecological disaster is partly a product of letting everything rip in order to increase production.
30. Put your foot on the gas and let her rip!
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