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Podium in a sentence

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Sentence count:112+1Posted:2017-03-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: ambodaispulpitrostrumsoapboxstumpSimilar words: odiumsodiumtediummediumstadiumcompendiumtripodhexapodMeaning: ['pəʊdɪə]  n. a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it. 
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(91) A single pedestal may also support a group of columns, or colonnade ( see podium ) .
(92) Abrahamian took the bronze from around his neck during the medal ceremony for the 84kg competition, stepped from the podium and dropped it in the middle of the wrestling mat then walked off.
(93) System with 2 microphones, seats, projection screen, speaker's podium, white writing board, drinking fountain and reception table.
(94) Pillar of Shame removed from Lingnam College to Baptist University, place outsideRun Run Shaw Building's podium.
(95) On the podium J ? Eric Humphrey stood impassively, waiting for the disapproving chorus to subside.
(96) It is located at ground level and Podium Level 1 of IFC Mall.
(97) Senator Hilary Clinton checked out the podium where she'll address the Democratic Convention tonight.
(98) I felt my legs trembling when I stepped onto the podium.
(99) His sister, Sarah Parker Remond, also lectured abroad, and often shared the podium with Susan B. Anthony at antislavery conventions.
(100) Mind if I squeeze by you to get onto that podium?
(101) The calabash, or melting pot of African cultures, sits on a raised podium, on top of which is located a pit of fire.
(102) At the ribbon-cutting ceremony, President Bush said he was looking forward to touring the new press working spaces, but until now he has not ventured beyond the briefing room podium.
(103) Standing at his podium, President Clinton saw a sea of faces waving at him.
(104) He works standing at a podium, absorbed in and invigorated by his work.
(105) When a management type makes a speech, he or she usually stands behind a podium and reads a script or the words on a teleprompter (or uses PowerPoint slides with nothing but words).
(106) Last year, Bernanke used the podium to suggest the Fed could help growth by buying long-term bonds[], a prelude to a program enacted soon afterward that did just that.
(107) The podium is covered in lush roof gardens, reducing rainwater runoff and urban - heat - island effect.
(108) "Greece is definitely one of my favourite events and I really want to go flat out next week and finish on top of the podium, " he said.
(109) You will be up on that podium, thanking your mum, your agent, your producer.
(110) Elizabeth Dole gave an impressive and effective nominating speech for her husband, leaving the podium to speak in a conversational way as she walked among the delegates.
(111) Every race meeting they attended they took the podium in one category or another.
(112) She proceeded to denude the statue, fronting the church bishop’s podium.
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