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Pasta in a sentence

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Sentence count:196+14Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pastorin the pasta stagecoastalcast asidedevastatingpasspass outMeaning: ['pɑstə /'pæstə]  n. 1. a dish that contains pasta as its main ingredient 2. shaped and dried dough made from flour and water and sometimes egg. 
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91. His appetite for meat, pasta and pretty women is said to be undiminished.
92. Stir the sauce into freshly cooked pasta which has been tossed in butter.
93. I strongly urge you to just gently dress the pasta with the sauce.
94. Pasta contains complex carbohydrates so takes time to be digested.
95. Their reasoning is that, if people wanted pure carbohydrates, they would eat bread or pasta.
96. When I refused his offer of grated cheese for the pasta, Fabio only shook his head.
97. Heat the spinach sauce, add the cooked pasta and pile on to serving plates.
98. And because they're condensed, they bring a thick,[] creamy texture to sauces - perfect for rice and pasta dishes.
99. Team it with high fibre beans, bread or pasta and you have a supper or lunch dish of real potential.
100. When boiling, add pasta and cook according to package directions.
101. Her last evening - last Saturday - I suggested she asked a few hospital colleagues in for pasta, which she did.
102. For wholefood enthusiasts, I would recommend buckwheat pasta rather than wholemeal, which I think is rather dull in flavour and texture.
103. Drain the pasta shapes well and add to the sauce. Mix well together and check the seasoning.
104. To reduce weight quickly it is a good idea to cut out bread,( potatoes and pasta.
105. Pour into heated bowl. Place chicken on top of pasta, then ladle black beans on top.
106. Add the beans and pasta. Bring to a boil again and cook 6-8 minutes, stirring.
107. Do you want me to cook some pasta or something?
108. The Prima Pasta operation is based largely within the radius of the M25.
109. So the public-health community wants folic acid added to cereals used in enriched grain products, such as bread and pasta.
110. From the salad to the clam chowder to the pasta with grilled peppers and chicken, dinner was perfect.
111. Christmas dinner is built around horsd'oeuvres, various kinds of pasta, capon and turkey.
112. The pounds pile on as they break for split-pea soup, munch chocolate-chip cookies, dine on shrimp and pasta.
113. Word got out that I was a terrific pasta maker.
114. They had pasta to start, delicious home-made shells served with a piquant wild mushroom sauce.
115. When the water boils, add the pasta, stir, and cook for round about six minutes.
116. Basic pasta itself is made from a stiff dough of flour and water, although eggs may sometimes be included.
117. A warm angel hair pasta tossed with fresh bay scallops proved equally delicious.
118. Stir the cooked pasta into the sauce and pile into a serving dish.
119. Mix the spinach and cheese and use it to fill the pasta shells.
120. In the meantime, cook the pasta in boiling salted water.
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