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Overwhelming in a sentence

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Sentence count:193+11Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: consumingoverpoweringSimilar words: overwhelmover and overhelmetovercoverget overall overoverallMeaning: ['əʊvər'hwelm /'əʊvə'wel-]  adj. 1. so strong as to be irresistible 2. very intense. 
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(31) Life is hard for nurses on children's wards, where the emotional demands can be overwhelming.
(32) She had the almost overwhelming desire to tell him the truth.
(33) When your child is struggling for life, you feel this overwhelming sense of guilt.
(34) The figures represent such overwhelming human misery that the mind wants to shut it out.
(35) An overwhelming majority of the candidates have gone in for his policy.
(36) The legacy of Ancient Rome represented the overwhelming influence on Romanesque architecture.
(37) Party workers have returned to their home towns, chastened by their overwhelming defeat.
(38) She felt an overwhelming urge/desire/need to tell someone about what had happened.
(39) She said how much she appreciated the overwhelming generosity of the public in responding to the appeal.
(40) They secured a victory in the face of overwhelming odds.
(41) The British Air Force succeeded despite overwhelming odds against them.
(42) In the face of severe opposition and unrelenting criticism,[] the task seemed overwhelming.
(43) They realized it would be suicidal to resist in the face of overwhelming military superiority.
(44) The parliament has voted by an overwhelming majority to suspend its declaration of independence.
(45) An overwhelming majority of the members were against the idea.
(46) The smell outside this building is overwhelming — like rotten eggs.
(47) An overwhelming majority of the committee members went in for the currency reform.
(48) For a long time France enjoyed overwhelming superiority in this field.
(49) The overwhelming majority of those present were in favour of the plan.
(50) The children pressed around him eagerly, overwhelming him with questions.
(51) Suddenly she had an overwhelming urge to be with her son.
(52) She found the city quite overwhelming when she first arrived.
(53) He felt an overwhelming longing to hear her voice again.
(54) The overwhelming majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months.
(55) He was filled with overwhelming love and compassion for his wife.
(56) The vote was overwhelming — 283 in favour,[] and only twenty-nine against.
(57) An overwhelming majority have voted in favour of the proposal.
(58) Leith felt an overwhelming compulsion to tell him the truth.
(59) The enormity of our country's economic problems is overwhelming.
(60) Tasteless apart from the overwhelming sugar flavour.
More similar words: overwhelmover and overhelmetovercoverget overall overoverallgo overoverseebe overneverthelesscover upover thererun overrecoverlay overuncovergovernorhand overnever mindlook overoverlooktalk overblow overcoverageturn overmake overmoreovertake over
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