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Home > Our account in a sentence

Our account in a sentence

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Sentence count:33+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2024-04-12Updated:2024-04-12
Similar words: your accountuser accountfor account ofledger accountstransfer accountjunior accountantaccounting practiceaccount
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1. The interest accrued to our account.
2. Please don't put yourself out on our account.
3. Our account is nicely in the black this month.
4. These figures disagree with our account.
5. Our account is in the black this month.
6. The balance in our account for June includes £5000 carried over from May.
7. Clearly, this aspect of our account of habituation is not enough in itself to explain the latent inhibition effect.
8. We have to get our account into the black otherwise the bank will never give us a mortgage.
9. Please insure the goods on our account during transhipment.
10. Please remit the amount to our account.
11. This payment should even up our account.
12. Our account is all square.
13. Please do not put yourself out on our account.
14. Please arrange bank transfer to our account.
15. Please charge these goods up to our account.
16. Or you can also credit our account with US$ 1000 per set[ account.html], the invoice cost of each.
17. We are not able to make purchases on our account.
18. The sale figures are being processed by our account department.
19. Our account with this bank has now run for five years.
20. When the balance is not enough, our account officer will inform the client in advance to complement the remaining sum.
21. Any suretyship you may have entered into on our account.
22. And our account holder will use only the online application to check there account history.
23. Our account executive will get in touch with you after you are successfully registered.
24. Please reimburse yourselves to debit our account with ○○ Bank New York branch.
25. There are no circumstances in which we would release the names of any of our account holders without their authority.
26. Well, as far as I know, the money hasn't been credited to our account yet.
27. Kindly make the shipment by tokaido fast freight, and charge the cost to our account.
28. You may in your sole discretion and with 30 days' prior notice to us close our credit account with you in which event we shall immediately pay you the outstanding balance on our account .
29. Kindly make the shipment by cross fast freight , and charge the cost to our account .
30. Air ticket between China and South Korea is for our account.
More similar words: your accountuser accountfor account ofledger accountstransfer accountjunior accountantaccounting practiceaccountaccrual accountingaccountsaccount forno accountsub-accounton accountaccountantaccountingaccount nameaccountancyaccountableloss accountaccount bookbank accountcost accounttake accountbook accountof no accountreal accountunaccountedloan accountcash account
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