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Originally in a sentence

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Sentence count:288+21Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: earlierin the beginningin the first placeprimitivelyto begin withSimilar words: originfinallyfrigiddig inin allall in allhistoricallypersonallyMeaning: [ə'rɪdʒnəlɪ]  adv. 1. in an original manner 2. with reference to the origin or beginning 3. before now. 
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121. A further 60 can be used but not sold, while 70 formulations are banned as originally planned.
122. Originally my colleagues and I used to give demonstrations whilst the teacher observed and then tried to copy.
123. Originally, a football team was organised to help alleviate the drug problem by using sports as a cure.
124. Built around the turn of the century, it had been designed originally as a soldiers' barracks.
125. A discovery of Anglo-Catholicism and its devotional power, originally through its fanatical critics, and then fostered by wise friends.
126. Duquette finally completed a deal that was originally suggested by the Philadelphia Phillies during the recent winter meetings.
127. St. Francis of Assisi originally founded the cloister which now encloses a garden and well.
128. This office dated from the twelfth century and had originally been mainly concerned with the administration of the rulers' demesne lands.
129. It is a far more important trip, and important in different ways, than it was when originally planned.
130. Can we go back to using Facebook for what it was originally for - looking up exes to see how fat they got? Bill Maher 
131. It was built originally by one of the old wool merchants, who wanted to establish his family as landed gentry.
132. The class had originally chosen a site directly across the highway from the school.
133. Furthermore it can permit coal use in boilers originally designed to burn oil without substantial derating.
134. Obviously, if it ensues from the two variables originally considered, it does not need to be controlled.
135. It was originally the main town gate, built by Matej Rejsek in 1475-:83, and decorated in a marvellously intricate style.
136. Indeed George Stephenson originally envisaged the railway system as an extension of the colliery system.
137. All these spikes evolved originally as a way of preventing predation by larger fish.
138. Initially, Shearman provided lectures and courses within the originally planned twenty-mile radius of Bedford.
139. The fish that originally sold for a penny eventually brought 5000 rupees.
140. Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing. Dave Barry 
141. Originally I conceived of this book as a series of journeys to sacred places.
142. The Inland Revenue originally wanted the machinery ring to be responsible for tax deductions for such workers.
143. Bankers, applying traditional, time-honored management models, originally saw only automation in the ATM network, however.
144. A weatherboarded flour mill, it was originally supported on open timberwork, but this has been enclosed within a brick roundhouse.
145. Originally decorating the crowns were 150 feathers made of beaten gold, found nearby.
145. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
146. There was a large barn behind the gallery and originally a door at each end, one leading to the house.
147. Turquoise, originally considered a mere by-product of copper mining, was vigorously promoted by Waddell's father, B.C.
148. Originally presented in terms of partial equilibrium analysis, it has been extended in two principal directions.
149. The circle of stones at Stonehenge is thought to have originally been a temple.
150. The payment had originally been due on April 1 but the Toronto-based company had a grace period which expired on Thursday.
More similar words: originfinallyfrigiddig inin allall in allhistoricallypersonallyoccasionallytraditionallyin all directionsdigitaleligiblerighttriggerall rightright awayintriguedcivil rightsbeginrefrigeratordrag inmarginengineprestidigitationcoming inmajor inhorizonbring inhistoric
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