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One morning in a sentence

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Sentence count:119+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-09-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: tomorrow morningmorningmorningsgood morningmorning coatmorning gloryyesterday morningmorning-after pill
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1. One morning, I didn't want to go to school, and decided to feign illness.
2. I had to fit ten appointments into one morning.
3. He turned up one morning, drunk as a lord.
4. One morning when a vixen was taking her babies out of the lair, she saw a lioness and her
5. One morning I was sitting at my desk when a policeman knocked at my door.
6. One morning I woke up and felt something was wrong.
7. The stress began to get to her, and one morning she just snapped.
8. One morning we came upon an abandoned undernourished puppy on the porch.
9. Then turned up one morning drunk as a lord.
10. On his way to Apple one morning, Atkinson failed to notice that the tractor-trailer ahead of him was parked.
11. Anna: Anna telephoned early one morning in a distressed state, hoping I would be able to see her that day.
12. One morning Polly looked at her privet bush and sighed.
13. A truck arrived at our door one morning and two burly men began unloading cartons from the back.
14. One morning when they went to school the little bunnies were there in the cage and they were all very happy.
15. One morning big dry snowflakes starred the rime on the sill.
16. One morning(, Tony tells his Dad he wants a pet.
17. True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country. Kurt Vonnegut 
18. Zeus got after her one morning in the guise of a brown bear.
19. One morning she asked the class why it was that some people had darker skin than others.
20. Trying to be a helpful husband one morning, Gere brought her a cup of tea.
21. But a professional narrator was hired one morning, and alternate lines of speech were recorded using the normal microphone and recorder.
22. On my way out of the compound one morning, I bumped into Sara.
23. Once I got arrested one morning for soliciting, but they let me out of the police station.
24. One morning, in addition, he encountered his father-in-law, striding along in the pursuit of some business or other from home.
25. After 17 years of punching the clock, he just disappeared one morning and was never heard from again.
26. She found a rose tucked under the windscreen wiper of her car one morning.
27. So he's fed up because he's got to get up early one morning in seven, is he? Well hard cheese!
28. The cold in the building became so intense that he awoke one morning with feet and hands that were purplish and numb.
29. The bundle was tied together with string and had been left there and forgotten one morning when Lavinia was in a hurry.
30. Back at home again I came down to breakfast one morning scratching my head and my hair started to fall out.
More similar words: tomorrow morningmorningmorningsgood morningmorning coatmorning gloryyesterday morningmorning-after pillfrom morning till nightwarningmourningburningkerningearningturninglearningyearningchurningearningsreturninggoverningpatterningyearninglydiscerningconcerningforewarningearly warningearning powerturning pointrote learning
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