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Occupy in a sentence

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Sentence count:253+4Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: absorbbusyconcernengageengrossfillinhabitinterestinvadelodge inresidetakeuse upworrySimilar words: occupationoccursocceraccuseoccasionalon occasionaccurateaccuracyMeaning: ['ɑkjəpaɪ /'ɒkjʊ-]  v. 1. be present in; be inside of 2. keep busy with 3. live (in a certain place) 4. occupy the whole of 5. be on the mind of 6. require (time or space) 7. march aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation 8. engage or engross wholly. 
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91. It is said that private gardens occupy 3 percent of the land surface of Britain.
92. To his left were the small eerie rooms inside boxes with which Susan was beginning to occupy her time.
93. Project management is therefore a matter which should begin to occupy the attention of the various bodies involved in harmonization.
94. The more bandwidth such signals occupy, the more data they can carry; but the fewer signals can be sent.
95. The resulting competition probably causes the animals to occupy small but adequate territories which are vigorously defended by a monogamous pair.
96. The key Labour politician, Ramsay MacDonald, was equally eager to occupy the middle ground.
97. Yet, incredibly, young rabbits can continue to occupy another section of the same burrow system and thrive near the earth.
98. I accepted the invitation to occupy the right-hand seat and play the role of captain.
99. Parish councillors were forced into making a quick decision when the gypsies began to occupy the football field.
100. She also had enough at Usher to occupy her mind without fretting about future possibilities.
101. In our wishful thinking about the 1960s, no figures occupy a more prominent place than the Kennedys.
102. Agonists are substances which are so similar to a specific neurotransmitter they can occupy that neurotransmitter's receptor perfectly.
103. The Efta states now occupy a position within a free-trade area, but outside Political union.
104. They have evolved over millions of years to occupy their own niche, under the forest's protection.
105. When the slow waves occupy 50 percent or more of the record the subject is judged to be in Stage 4 sleep.
106. Movie stars occupy the large suites on the third floor.
107. The populace has deferred to the independent authority of government and to those who occupy government in return for the satisfaction of expectations.
108. As they often occupy cramped sites, London Board schools are usually multi-storey buildings.
109. Yet older people tend to occupy the oldest, poorest housing and are more likely to be private tenants than other groups.
110. Your clocks are equally valid only if you each continue to occupy an inertial reference frame.
111. They are drastic pieces of legislation which should rightly occupy a large part of the time of the House.
112. While she waited, she tried to occupy her mind with pleasant thoughts of the vacation.
113. By the end of the Ordovician they had already radiated into many of the niches they occupy today.
114. They munch native marine life, mow down food supplies and occupy territory, Carlton said.
115. The extremes, on both parameters, are comparatively rare; most of us occupy a position part-way along each.
116. Some travellers occupy the site legally after a festival last weekend.
117. They occupy a variety of different sites and orientations; molecules in different sites absorb at different frequencies.
118. State bureaucracies are responsive to elites who do not occupy formal positions in the state apparatus.
119. Some people stand and move as if they have no right to the space they occupy. They wonder why others often fail to treat them with respect - not realizing that they have signaled others that it is not necessary to treat them with respect. Nathaniel Branden 
120. Now I myself occupy a peculiar cul-de-sac in the boomer chronology.
More similar words: occupationoccursocceraccuseoccasionalon occasionaccurateaccuracythe accusedoccasionallyaccusationaccurately
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