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Occupy in a sentence

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Sentence count:253+4Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: absorbbusyconcernengageengrossfillinhabitinterestinvadelodge inresidetakeuse upworrySimilar words: occupationoccursocceraccuseoccasionalon occasionaccurateaccuracyMeaning: ['ɑkjəpaɪ /'ɒkjʊ-]  v. 1. be present in; be inside of 2. keep busy with 3. live (in a certain place) 4. occupy the whole of 5. be on the mind of 6. require (time or space) 7. march aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation 8. engage or engross wholly. 
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121. The time had come for a deaf person to occupy it and Hudson's chairmanship therefore lasted only three years.
122. Phoenix will occupy part of the offices of Automated Communications Inc., a long-distance switching company that it acquired last year.
123. Roosters crowed, transistor radios were turned full volume to occupy the minutes of the unemployed.
124. To occupy the intervening months she took a job in a hospital.
125. One of the first tasks of the Habsburgs was to induce settlers to occupy the empty lands.
126. The Army was the first service to occupy the land at present-day Miramar and called it Camp Kearny.
126. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
127. Ingleborough's many tops, pavements and moors occupy a large complex area which takes many visits to really get to know.
128. It came to occupy a unique place in constitutional law.
129. Naturally, foreign troops would first have to pull out from the areas they occupy.
130. Most hobbies cost some money, some a great deal, why not occupy time with machine knitting?
131. May I ask who is going to occupy these buildings?
132. The knowledgeable authorities occupy the institutional front row only because others have abandoned the effort.
133. Crofting townships occupy this land which is largely fenced and comprises improved grasslands.
134. The macho merchants among you could try braving the green blob, numerous wires and broken records that occupy the alternative route.
135. Of course, Alladice can occupy his time in custody by lodging any number of formal complaints.
136. As the plaintiff had ceased to occupy the house, it was likely that she was not covered by insurance.
137. Trident seems to occupy a blind spot for a Government otherwise over-enthusiastic about cutbacks in public expenditure.
138. So the season continued and the World Championships in Rome began more and more to occupy my mind.
139. Chartered secretaries are the professionally trained administrators and managers, who occupy a variety of senior organisational positions.
140. The expanded kitchen seems to occupy a good third of the living space, but Franken laments it could be larger.
141. The preliminary enquiry of a seller as to what other persons occupy the property is one precaution.
142. K... Occupy you minds with good thoughts, or the enemy will find the bad ones.
143. Individuals then occupy particular feeding sites in the trees and there is competition for the best ones.
144. A Lloyd's signal station was to occupy the top storey, but the offer was not taken up.
145. No persons other than those stated on the booking form may occupy the property.
146. The eight electrons in the valence shell occupy the bonding and non-bonding levels, leaving the anti-bonding levels unoccupied.
147. In fact, human workers still occupy the most critical jobs - those where judgment and evaluation are essential.
148. In the larger complexes, where there is space, popular blockbusters often occupy three or even four of the available screens.
149. Customs occupy a self-contained area within accommodation provided for freight companies requiring offices without warehousing.
150. It's a completely different department from ours, but they occupy that part of the building for good reasons.
More similar words: occupationoccursocceraccuseoccasionalon occasionaccurateaccuracythe accusedoccasionallyaccusationaccurately
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