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Nude in a sentence

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Sentence count:236+8Posted:2017-03-10Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: au naturelbarenakednude paintingnude personnude sculpturenude statueSimilar words: denudenudgenudityrudedudecrudeeludedeludeMeaning: [nuːd /nju-]  n. 1. a painting of a naked human figure 2. without clothing (especially in the phrase `in the nude') 3. a naked person 4. a statue of a naked human figure. adj. completely unclothed. 
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151, Only in the low tide, to see who can be swimming in the nude.
152, Then the labeled bladder cancer cells were implanted into the nude mice bladder by intravesical instillation.
153, That girl is so spaced-out that she is walking down the middle of the road completely nude.
154, The girl made her entry entirely nude except for a pink flamingo feather Between her limBs.
155, Cap d'Agde is much more than just a nude beach: it is the "World Capital of Nudism."
156, More than 1,500 people gathered around a statue of 19th century liberation hero Simon Bolivar on Sunday and posed nude for a U.
157, A human lung oat cell carcinoma was transplanted and serially passaged in BALB/CA/ JCL nude mice, cultivated under a specific pathogen free condition.
158, Results The NIH3T3 cells transformed with K12 gene formed colony in soft agar and induce tumorigenesis in nude mouse.
159, Such as, naked nude sculpture, painting, nude, nude photography ...About nude art forms to be many.
160, Results (1) Heterotopic osteogenesis was found after intramuscular injection in nude mice, most of which were endochondral ossification.
161, The video , which was later posted the Internet, showed a woman in the nude.
162, Gathered viscus tissues of nude mouse, fixed with 0% dampen formaldehyde solution, paraffin embed, routine HE stained and morphology observed by microscope.
163, To observe the effects of angiostatin gene therapy combined with chemotherapy on intraperitoneal tumor and ascites fluid induced by human ovarian epithelial carcinoma cell line SKOV3 in nude mouse.
164, Objective: To observe the hair follicle regeneration after implantation of hair follicle cells into the subcutis of nude mice.
165, What is true is that the nude is always conventionalized —and the authority for its conventions derives from a certain tradition of art.
166, Picked up a mouse mat a few days ago. The life is really good. Regrettablly above is nude.
167, Bolero is an absolutely terrible movie but it features quite a bit of Derek in the nude.
168, Objective-To establish the nude mouse model of carcinoma of breast MDA-MB-231 cell,( and study its biological characteristics.
169, The nude mouse transplantation tumor experiment displayed that the oncogenicity of SP cells was higher than that of NSP cells.
170, Objective To study the antitumor effect of phosphorus-32 glass microspheres ( 32 P GMS) intratumoral injected to the implanted human hepatocellular carcinoma cell mass of nude mice.
171, More than 1, 500 people gathered around a statue of 19th century liberation hero Simon Bolivar on Sunday and posed nude for a U.S. artist famous for his photos of naked crowds in public spaces.
172, Methods The human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, which adhered to freeze dried cancellous and hydroxyapatite, were implanted in the nude mice subcutaneously.
173, Early Greek art represented Aphrodite as an oriental, nude goddess type.
174, Keep the rest of the look natural with a sweep of peachy blusher and nude lips.
175, When I told un-initiated people that I was going to Nude Nite, it conjured up salacious thoughts of some kind of party at a nudist resort.
176, There's a wonderful freedom being nude in a naturist area.
177, I am not sure how the store would work with what I mentioned above in regards to users paying to see the nude or x-rated content.
178, Behind the house lay two nude figures grotesquely bald , with deliberate knife - slashes marking their bodies.
179, The subtle eroticism of the figure leads to many nude variations, some done almost contemporaneously and often attributed to Leonardo himself.
180, This auto reverse model has a 3 band tuner and Nude Twin - Turbo headphones.
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