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Never-ending in a sentence

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Sentence count:56Posted:2017-03-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: reverentreverencenever-neverendingserendipityirreverentpendinglendingMeaning: adj. uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing. 
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31. In the seemingly never-ending merry-go-round of the automotive design world, the latest update is Laurens van den Acker 's arrival at Renault.
32. In the never-ending race we have created out of our lives, the first person we always neglect is ourselves.
33. The traditional economy theory of the west follows a assume unconsciously, which is that"the resources is never-ending, and the ability of the nature contains castoff is also never-ending".
34. The lioness on the east side has its front left paw on a lion cub, indicating a prosperously growing family and the never-ending secession of the imperial lineage.
35. Glance at any parent's Facebook page, and you'd think that parenthood is a picture-perfect joyride, filled with constant sunshine, never-ending ice cream sundaes and breathtaking double rainbows.
36. The system is a goldmine for scientists; the perfect laboratory for high-energy physics and a never-ending source of intriguing physical problems.
37. A couple of weeks ago, I watched a Sex and the City episode, in which Charlotte, in her never-ending quest to find true love, attends a seminar to teach her how to do just that.
38. 'First they didn't believe that my name was genuine, and when I convinced them, they thought it was hilarious. It's never-ending.
39. All IBM needs now is to show profiles in other disciplines so that the biz dev, marketing, design, executive, and VC types can get in on the action and boom,( you've got a never-ending Startup Weekend.
40. Israel prevailed in both. It acquired major territories, most of which, in its never-ending quest for peace, it returned.
41. It's allowed me to live in a sort of never-ending fantasy world.
42. Trying to get your Good Work done can feel like Sisyphus rolling his rock up the mountain, a never-ending task.
43. Once created, it may be subject to seemingly never-ending maintenance.
44. But beyond that, the trap of striving for this future "success" ... it's never-ending.
45. In addition to a never-ending schedule of tours, he was the founder and director of the Lionel Hampton School of Jazz in Utah.
46. The terrible winds and never-ending whiteness may lead many polar explorers to have visions of other people.
47. Obviously, it should prevent never-ending loops,[] and it should detect previously loaded objects and save time by reusing them.
48. There would be no cycles save for the never-ending cycle of ingratitude.
49. I no longer think of time in terms of individual days — now it's a continuous and never-ending flow.
50. ROME, Ga. - The never-ending march of technology now means school children here can pay for their cafeteria sloppy joes with their fingers.
51. In our never-ending rush to get something or somewhere, it seems we don't have time anymore for this most basic of gestures.
52. By feeling you have enough food, house, car and clothes, you can repel thoughts of more to break the never-ending cycle that enslaves you to trade time for more money to sustain your life-style.
53. The never-ending reports of what he was doing always got me psyched.
54. I know myself and I'm sure that the task of writing the XSL style sheet to transform the intermediate document would be a never-ending story.
55. It's a never-ending rinse-and-repeat cycle that you know all too well.
56. Galaxy birth and development is a never-ending process, and clues to early black hole evolution are spread throughout our own galaxy and around the universe.
More similar words: reverentreverencenever-neverendingserendipityirreverentpendinglendingirreverenceunendingspendingserendipitousdependingimpendingpretendingneverin every waynever mindneverthelessend inmore than eversend inrenditionrevereseverestrain every nerveindifferentseverelypersevereindifference
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