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Murine in a sentence

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Sentence count:53Posted:2018-10-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: murmuringurinepurinetaurinefigurinetambourineurinary incontinencemanufacturing businessMeaning: ['mjʊraɪn /'mjʊər-]  n. a rodent that is a member of the family Muridae. adj. of or relating to or transmitted by a member of the family Muridae (rats and mice). 
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31. Objective(1) To study the anti-tumor effects of Oxytropis kansuensis Bunge alkaloid fraction on murine ascites sarcoma cell line S180 and research its effect on immunity function at the same time.
32. We have evaluated the efficacies of micafungin, amphotericin B, and voriconazole, alone and in double and triple combinations, in a murine model of systemic infection by Scedosporium prolificans.
33. ObjectiveTo screen the optimum conditions carrying murine melanoma B 16 cells in spaceflights without cares.
34. OBJECTIVE : To clone murine anti cTnI Fab fragment and analyse the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences.
35. Objective:To investigate the roles of pentoxifylline(PTX) on the murine 2,4,6 trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) colitis model.
36. Methods: Our experiment established murine model of VMC by infected BALB/c mice with Coxsackie Virus B3, then the effect of TPN on the death rate and pathologic change of VMC mice were studied.
37. Murine typhus is relatively common throughout the world and is transmitted by fleas.
38. The effects of Pinellia ternate Breit protein on early murine pregnancy were studied.
39. Conclusion Arbutin and glabridin can inhibit melanogenesis in B16 murine melanoma cells, but there were some cell toxicity.
40. To study the regulation of proliferation, melanogenesis and tyrosinase activity in the responese of B16F murine melanoma cells to Radix Scutellariae.
41. Objective To develop a murine model of allergic airway inflammation by using crude Periplaneta americana extract (CAE) as clinical relevant allergen.
42. Effects of pentoxifylline on murine 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid colitis model.
43. Although the immunogenicity of human - rat chimeric antibodies is reduced, Human anti - Murine Antibody reactions are still produced.
44. Two forms of albicans were injected to murine respectively in virulence test.
45. Like human viral hepatitis, murine Helicobacter hepaticus infection produces inflammation and HCC with a masculine bias.
46. Conclusion: The combination of two methods has great value in clinical diagnosis and classification of murine typhus. It can decrease misdiagnosis rate and gives correct preventive suggestion.
47. Result : GLB 7 increased the production of IP 3 and DAG in murine peritoneal macrophages.
48. To investigate the spatiotemporal expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) during murine neurulation and explore the role of HIF-1 in the embryonic development of the nervous system.
49. Objective To investigate the effects of Compound Betamethasone on the expression of olfactory marker protein(OMP) in murine injured olfactory mucosa by influenza virus.
50. Objective: To investigate the immunological mechanism of influenza A virus for murine S 180 ascites sarcoma.
51. Objective: To investigate the effects of potentilla anserine polysaccharide(PAP) on metabolic product of arachidonic acid (AA) in murine splenocytes.
52. And then Salmonella Typhimurium were applied to study the problems of human typhoid fever since it could lead to the same disease in murine.
53. CONCLUSION Our newly established murine model of heterotopic heart transplantation is stable and reliable.
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