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Metastasis in a sentence

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Sentence count:246Posted:2016-12-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cast asidehomeostasisset asideput asidetaste ofjust asfantasticfantasyMeaning: [mɪ'tæstəsɪs]  n. 1. the spreading of a disease to another part of the body 2. the organic processes (in a cell or organism) that are necessary for life. 
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91. COX-2 expression is obviously increased in skin tumor and played an important role in proliferation, differentiation and metastasis of skin tumor.
92. Objective To explore the muscular flaps design, metastasis and precaution for necrose for head and neck neoplasms defect after operation.
93. Degradation of extracellular matrix ( ECM ) is a key step for metastasis.
94. And then, she underwent FDG PET scan for restaging, which revealed a faintly hypermetabolic lesion in liver and primary HCC was more favored than metastasis.
95. To block up the adhesive attraction may be helpful in treating the tumor metastasis.
96. Lymph node metastasis included lateral retropharyngeal lymph nodes 118 cases, neck upper-deep lymph nodes 140 cases.
97. Results One case of renal oncocytoma underwent radical nephrectomy, the follow-up lasted for 10 months without metastasis or recurrence.
98. Objective To discuss the CT manifestations and sorts of brain metastasis from hepatic alveolar echinococcus.
99. Conclusions Osseous metastasis in lung cancer is characterized by multiple osteolytic damage.
100. We describe a 27 - year - old man with NPC and pulmonary metastasis.
101. Methods. From February 2003 to February 2004,( five patients with spinal metastasis and spinal canal compression were treated by combined vertebroplasty and decompressive laminectomy in our department.
102. In differentiating the tumors of the trigone and the foramen of Monro, the patient's age was available. CPP was often occurred in children, meningioma in adults and metastasis in old patients.
103. HCC is generally hypervascular, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) promotes HCC development and metastasis.
104. Objective: To study features of cervical lymph node metastasis and application of neck dissection in surgical treatment of supraglottic carcinoma.
105. Objective To approach into the effect of serum sialic acid(SA)on the diagnosis and metastasis of malignant tumor.
106. Although the majority of cases behave indolently, occasional distant metastasis, local invasion or recurrence have been reported.
107. Postoperative recidivation and metastasis are common reasons lead to failure of treatment.
108. Objective:To explore the correlations of Metallothionein(MT)expression with clinicopathology in esophageal cancer and lymph node metastasis.
109. Results The incidences of liver metastasis was 100% in this intrasplenic injection model.
110. Conclusions:There was no correlation between the positive rate of estrogen and progesterone receptor and the age of patient and lymphonode metastasis.
111. Random distribution is found in miliary tuberculosis and pulmonary metastasis.
112. There was positive correlation between ER and local and distant metastasis.
113. Axillary node status was an important predictor of intramammary lymphatic metastasis.
114. Conclusion The most important prognostic factors for bile duct carcinoma after resection were lymph node metastasis, pancreatic infiltration and perineural infiltration.
115. The top three differentials for this patient include hemangioblastoma, astrocytoma, and metastasis.
116. Conclusion: The metastasis process of thyroid papillary carcinoma is associated with the formation of the micro-lymphatic vessel and micrangium.
117. To further analysis of staging, adnexa metastasis, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy were related with the prognosis significantly.
118. Conclusion VEGFR-3 expression in different places in gastric cancer have the double roles in lymphatic metastasis and hematogenous metastasis.
119. MRI also suggested hepatic metastasis in 4 cases, portal vein invasion in 7 cases.
120. Lung, bone, brain, liver, subcutis, and adrenal glands were the common resorts of metastasis, in decreasing order of frequency.
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