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Massively in a sentence

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Sentence count:101+1Posted:2017-05-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: passivelyimpassivelymassivesubmissivelyaggressivelypossessivelypensivelypassiveMeaning: ['mæsɪvlɪ]  adv. to a massive degree or in a massive manner. 
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31 Indeed China's infrastructure is massively overbuilt already.
32 Many massively multiplayer games, such as?
33 Interest rates will rise massively.
34 MMOG ( Massively Multiplayer Online Game ) is a typical class of distributedsystems.
35 They have spread a massively extreme metal electrocution that is impossible to label simply as dark.
36 Having consumed all the hydrogen fuel in its core, it expanded massively into a "red giant" and might have eaten up smaller rocky planets like our own Earth in the process, before contracting.
37 The networks of computers possessed massively distributed computing resources are very common.
38 Conclusion Anamorphosis strain of S. bambusicola is obtained and precisely appraised for the first time. This study will provide basis for the future massively industrialized hypocrellin production.
39 One example is Lustre, which is a massively parallel distributed file system that supports tens of thousand of nodes and scales to petabytes of storage capacity.
40 Not just for SMP or NUMA, but for everything from a single-node UP system to a massively clustered system.
41 Satch is massively overlooked when it comes to composition and innovation.
42 Flexible benefits was the ideal way of sending this message without massively increasing the firm's payroll costs.
43 Now I massively absorb the life energy to repair my injury organism. Besides looking people hence get benefits,( ) although they has absorbed energy is quite limited.
44 The soybean oil massively uses in boiling no matter what with manufacture oleomargarine.
45 Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds is a massively multiplayer onlinerole - playing game inspired by Asian mythology.
46 Moreover, poorer candidates have won early primaries in the past, including Mike Huckabee[], who triumphed in Iowa's Republican caucuses in 2008 despite being massively outspent by Mr Romney.
47 The papal curia or court, reorganized and massively expanded, became the center of ecclesiastical finance and administration.
48 Ditto tennis and swimming: my experience as a parent is that coaching has improved massively since I was a nipper, with far more technical instruction and indeed fun.
49 It has potentiality to model complicated medium and can be performed in massively parallel computer.
50 Global file system is a key technique of massively parallel processor system and cluster system.
51 Second, China already has a problem with soaring commodity costs. It does not need to accumulate more copper, aluminum, iron etc. Indeed China's infrastructure is massively overbuilt already.
52 A new type of supercomputer , called the massively parallel computer, has recently been introduced, this type of computer has hundreds or even thousands of processors.
53 A series of two five - year plans massively expanded the Soviet economy.
54 First, must massively propagandize, enhances people's consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection consciousness.
55 We are massively overcomplicating our lives with all this nonsense.
56 The elliptical-section cabinet is massively internally braced to eliminate unwanted internal resonance, and finished in Black, Dark Apple or Maple to complement the rest of your Q Series system.
57 Also, the structural imbalance and social conflicts inbuilt and deep-rooted in the US social fabric have come to light massively and extensively.
58 Massively parallel, cheap cloud computing reduces both costs and time to market.
59 He gingerly touched his right ankle; it was swelling massively.
60 All these three rallies have differed from each other massively.
More similar words: passivelyimpassivelymassivesubmissivelyaggressivelypossessivelypensivelypassivedecisivelypersuasivelyintensivelyexpansivelyexclusivelydefensivelyimpulsivelycompulsivelyimpassiveindecisivelyunobtrusivelyassertivelypassivenessapprehensivelypassive resistancelivelyactivelyfurtivelysubmissiveexcessiveobsessiverecessive
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