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Masked in a sentence

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Sentence count:179+11Posted:2017-07-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: askewskewbasketskeingasketsketchcasketskewerMeaning: ['mæskt /mɑːskt]  adj. having its true character concealed with the intent of misleading. 
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121. This party is rather like a masked ball at which everyone is playing out the roles.
122. Ultraman, a silver - suited masked hero, comes from outer planet to save the Earth from gigantic monsters.
123. Codeine has the same structure as morphine, but the phenol group masked as a methyl ether.
124. August 14th, 1963, at a lonely spot outside London, the Glasgow to London mail train was halted by a red signal and ambushed by 15 masked men.
125. The Ultraman television series first appeared on TV in 1966. Ultraman, a silver-suited masked hero, comes from outer planet to save the Earth from gigantic monsters.
126. But their arrogance and their cultured voices masked guilt and fear.
127. In three experiments, the prime (shown in the form of a Chinese character but masked) shared the first few segments with the beginning of the disyllabic target word.
128. What was once considered to be an extinct species, the Tasman booby (Sula tasmani), turns out be a subspecies of a living species, the masked booby (Sula dactylatra fullagari).
129. On Aug. 22, 2004, masked gunmen entered the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway, and stole two Edvard Munch masterpieces, "The Scream" and "Madonna, " in broad daylight, as reported by CBSNews.
130. I pasted the new frame underneath the old ones, flipped it upside down, and masked off the parts I didn't need.
130. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
131. However this must be done carefully, because even when the information is masked on display screens and printouts, it may still survive as hidden data in the document file.
132. Dozens of jeeps carrying masked Israeli commandos rolled into the West Bank town of Nablus before dawn and surrounded the homes of three Palestinian gunmen.
133. Players started wearing white in the 1880s, as they found it masked perspiration, but the 'all white' rule only went into effect in 1963.
134. After being reduced to silicon molybdenum blue with FeSO 4, phosphorus and arsenic is masked with oxalic acid, it can be determined by photometry.
135. According to the traits of the fast Walsh transform, this method can find the position of repeats and detect repeats quickly. The repeats can be masked off.
136. At a quarantine centre, masked and gowned nurses and doctors checked passengers who failed a thermal-imaging check at the station entrance.
137. Research by specialists leads people to think the chief culprit for SARS might be masked civet.
138. The masked civet was suspected of being the chief culprit of SARS.
139. Now what happens then in Tony, to move to a slightly different way of thinking about it,( is we can see that it's a global story masked as a story of hybridity in the American melting pot.
140. The masked robber made her open the safe at gunpoint.
141. The MAN raises his masked face to look at the sky. He eyes are an icy steel gray.
142. Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Rostock, but the event turned violent when masked protestors began throwing rocks and beer bottles. Police responded with the water cannon and tear gas.
143. In Germany the balefulness of ultimatism is masked somewhat by the considerable numerical strength of the party and by its growth.
144. Meanwhile the window opens and a masked man enters the room.
145. The growth of certain viruses is masked by faster growing ones.
146. She was also cast opposite Liv Tyler in the suspense thriller The Strangers as one of the three masked intruders, "Dollface".
147. Gold - Masked Bronze Human Head looks dignified as if he were a deity descending from Heaven.
148. Studies conducted last year detected a SARS - like virus in some animal species , including masked palm civet.
149. As is tradition, the Masked Rider leads the Texas Tech University football team onto the field in Lubbock.
150. And a new question was raised when studying the SSA: whether the priming effect is generated by practiced masked stimuli instead of unpracticed masked stimuli?
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