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Marshall in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+4Posted:2017-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: marshalmarshall planjohn marshallmarshsalt marshmarshmallowharshwarshipMeaning: ['mɑrʃl /'mɑːʃ-]  n. 1. United States actor (1914-1998) 2. United States general and statesman who as Secretary of State organized the European Recovery Program (1880-1959) 3. United States jurist; as chief justice of the Supreme Court he established the principles of United States constitutional law (1755-1835) 4. (in some countries) a military officer of highest rank 5. a law officer having duties similar to those of a sheriff in carrying out the judgments of a court of law. 
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91. Marshall was freed, and detectives even spoke of arresting our reporters.
92. They uprooted them, as Marshall had uprooted the cannabis, and watched them wither.
93. Marshall had taken to calling it the rumour factory because a disproportionate amount of time seemed to be wasted on chatter.
94. From this evidence Marshall etal. also conclude that clerical work has not been proletarianized.
95. Marshall argued, correctly, that this would create an unworkable command structure.
96. Plus the Warriors' new fast-paced offense hardly seems suited for the plodding Marshall.
97. A marshall shall be assign to each participating boat.
98. Had Marshall hoped it might be named after him?
99. He had run the Marshall Plan in Europe.
100. Molotov and Marshall knew each other quite well.
101. George Marshall wrote this article for Climate Action.
101. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
102. There was Marshall McLuhan, who saw the electronic media as the secret of building a new "global village" that was somehow cozy, participative, and yet at the same time technologically sophisticated.
103. On January 24th, 1848, a man named James Wilson Marshall discovered gold in the territory of California.
104. Results of retained Marshall Stability (MS0) and Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) indicate that without additive, the moisture damage resistance of basalt asphalt mixture may not meet the specifications.
105. Personality and core values are key to how people will respond to a warming world, writes George Marshall in Carbon Detox.
106. Eisenhower did not criticize McCarthy, even when the senator accused Eisenhower's good friend, and fellow World War Two hero, General George Marshall, of being a traitor.
107. "Stomach ulcers are caused by stress" — accepted medical diagnosis, until Dr. Marshall proved that H. pylori caused gastric inflammation by deliberately infecting himself with the bacterium.
108. Although Mr. Burleigh has his heroes— Winston Churchill above all, but also George Marshall—there is nothing romantic in his description of the war.
109. He would turn out to be one of my best appointments, probably the finest secretary of defense since General George Marshall.
110. Loudoun Fire Marshall Keith Brower says the lumber supporting the roof and floors in the newer homes...
111. The story is set at the height of the Red scare in 1957, when Marshall College's Professor Jones runs afoul of the FBI and has his patriotism questioned.
112. Capricia Marshall, the White House social secretary, arranged for the White House butlers, chefs, and valets to come help the Camp David staff in making sure the meals were enjoyable.
113. It has been assumed by some people, especially those with an interest in discrediting George Marshall and the Truman administration, that this truce prevented Chiang from conquering Manchuria .
114. Vandenberg was in every respect a partner of Truman regarding the Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine, the creation of NATO, and other initiatives.
115. At NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama scientists dosed spiders with marijuana, the "downer" chloral hydrate, the "upper" Benzedrine and on caffeine.
116. IN 1964 Marshall McLuhan, a media scholar, offered his now-famous dictum that "the medium is the message."
117. Consequently, with the proper quantity of asphalt, Marshall stability of the emulsified asphalt product is enhanced by 60 percent compared with the one of the crude asphalt.
118. George Marshall is director of the Oxford, England - based Climate Outreach and Information Network ( COIN ).
119. Marshall County state's attorney Paul Bauer declined comment on the overlapping juvenile cases.
120. Composition: Most of the population of the Marshall Islands is Micronesian.
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