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Lowly in a sentence

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Sentence count:106+3Posted:2017-03-04Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: basebasebornhumbleinferiorjunior-gradelowlower-rankingmenialmodestpettysecondarysmallsubalternsubordinateSimilar words: slowlynewlyhowljowlbowlfowlgrowlprowlMeaning: ['ləʊlɪ]  adj. 1. low or inferior in station or quality 2. inferior in rank or status 3. used of unskilled work (especially domestic work) 4. of low birth or station (`base' is archaic in this sense). 
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61. Nanjing population were lowly resistant to propoxur (2.8 times) and sensitive to dichlorovos, while Nantong strains were susceptible to both propoxur and dichlorovos.
62. The NN system in the model need lucubrate, and the result display, the model is effective, it can detect the intrusion action in lowly mistake rate.
63. Contrasts North Star , Wan Ke send the bond rate lowly firmly.
64. Your slave - morality of the meek and lowly will never save you.
65. “How dare you feed a fine Russian chicken such lowly food!” says the Cossack, and hits the Jew with a stick.
66. A dark comedy about a lowly street urchin who grows up to become the greatest fighter pilot of WWI.
67. I recall the scent of some kind of toilet powder — I believe she stole it from her mother's Spanish maid — a sweetish, lowly, musky perfume.
68. It is just a lowly assistant screwup, and i dont want it to reflect badly on anyone else.
69. Perhaps the Beatific Vision itself has some remote kinship with this lowly experience.
70. Lowly added products, especially daily consumer goods, require high consumption of energy.
71. Because it has function, the volume is small, consumes energy lowly, low in price, operation reliable, characteristics and so on easy to operate.
72. The acute toxicity experiment showed it was lowly toxic or nontoxic.
73. A broad stretch of lowly coast lay before the eyes of the men.
74. After being born even if relay ripe iodination, also the hard rectification inborn result in of the mind is lowly.
75. This lefthanded compliment makes women seem attractively feminine, and yet , when a girl is capricious , her actions are reminiscent of the lowly billy goat.
76. As an excited member of the beginners chorus line , I was aware of my lowly status.
77. Some people say this plant is lowly, but the spider plant does not listen to arbitrary orders, it does not fear hardship, and in the face of adversity it continues to struggle.
78. The story centers on an ax-carrying gang terrorizing the lowly inhabitants of a tenement called Pig's Sty Alley.
79. Inputs infiltrates the speed of solution not suitably lowly excessively quickly.
80. The accumulation of lactic acid in lowly dissolved oxygen level fermenting liquor made the glucide quickly consumed, as a result(, the conversion rate of glucose was on the low side.
81. But when the eyes of the people are on the great sheikh, I am lowly.
82. All things are lowly, meek, sufferable and forbear one another in love.
83. The fluctuation tendency of zinc contents of seminal plasma displayed after 45 days and had lowly coefficient of correlation.
84. The lowly cottage was dignified by the two great pear trees in front of it.
85. She couldn't know that he'd dug them out of the bottom of his trunk deliberately for the occasion, to reinforce his status as a lowly ranch hand.
86. Concern for all things lowly was almost an article of faith for the Wedgwood cousins, who taught young Darwin to euthanize earthworms in brine before impaling them on a fishhook.
87. And if shooting started because some general didn't want to pander to a lowly member of the striped-pants set,( that wouldn't just be dumb. It would be a disaster.
88. But when it comes to epic changes in office life , consider the lowly paper clip.
89. He is putting on the white long sleeve leisure unlined upper garment, the jeans, wears a duckbill cap, the hat brim can pull down lowly, has blocked the face.
90. Armoured sergeants are professional warriors who due to their lowly social station are unable to become knights, but hope they maybe noticed in battle and raised above their current status.
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