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Lover in a sentence

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Sentence count:159+13Posted:2016-10-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: buffdevoteefanSimilar words: all overall over againall over the worldover and overloveglovefall in lovefall in love withMeaning: ['lʌvə(r)]  n. 1. a person who loves or is loved 2. an ardent follower and admirer 3. a significant other to whom you are not related by marriage. 
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(91) He is not a lover who does not love forever. Euripides 
(92) As she picked the apple up, her lover panting and almost winded touched the goal.
(93) On her bedpost, it was said, she notched up a mark for every new lover.
(94) For a man whose lover had been brutally murdered the night before he seemed cheerful and composed.
(95) An adventurer and an animal lover, Goodall was also 23 and beautiful.
(96) The despairing, faithless, gaping, horrified wife looked down at her lover, and knew that he was dead.
(97) To a lover of books the shops and sales in London present irresistible temptations. Edward Gibbon 
(98) I am a firm lover of simple meat dishes - my all-time favourite is garlic lamb.
(99) I am driven by love. Love should never be demanding; it must be unconditional. Love is an exquisite pain and in that pain lies intoxication. And if your lover shares that pain, the intoxication reaches another level altogether. Dharminder 
(100) He's thinking about how if his lover comes to live here, then that's not how the story will end.
(101) Perhaps he did not like to argue with Jean-Claude, suspecting that my lover may have been put fully in the picture.
(102) Beauty, n: the power by which a woman charms a lover and terrifies a husband. Ambrose Bierce 
(103) Sir Bryan received his clubs with the emotion of a lover reunited with his long-absent mistress.
(104) Simultaneously, a distraught Martin Platt, deserted by lover Rebecca,( blurted out the truth about their affair to wife Gail.
(105) To almost deafening background music, she does take a lover.
(106) Unfortunately he, the lover, had got cold feet at the last minute.
(107) Some traditional catechism to charm out the identity of a lover?
(108) Despite these advantages the lover of good food prefers whipping cream.
(109) That's not what he thinks would or should happen[], the day his lover finally arrives.
(110) It is only at the end of the poem that Mariana finally despairs at the realisation that her lover will not come.
(111) A life-long lover of magazines, he found work at everything from a fan magazine to a soft drink publication.
(112) My lover and I dined last night in Cambridge at the Master's Lodge of his college.
(113) Can a younger lover beat the ageing blues - or would a change of style do the trick for you?
(114) Actress and animal lover, Damaris Hayman is leading a campaign to keep the animal collection in the Park.
(115) Only Richard Burton, her first lover, seems like the chivalrous romantic ideal.
(116) Four months later she left the country and travelled constantly, following her lover wherever he wanted to go.
(117) He was not a music lover, nor was he particularly attracted by any cultural activity.
(118) Alice had been her friend, companion, listening wall and lover.
(119) No hopeless lover of a living maiden was ever so desperately unhappy as Pygmallon.
(120) Sarah Hrdy proposed that silent ovulation helps prevent infanticide because neither the husband nor the lover knows if he has been cuckolded.
More similar words: all overall over againall over the worldover and overloveglovefall in lovefall in love withovercovercovertgo overget overoveralloverseebe overgovernorhand overlay overpovertyrun overuncoverover thererecovercover upovercomeproverbblow overoverlookrecovery
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