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Limestone in a sentence

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Sentence count:188+3Posted:2017-05-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: rest onlodestonemilestonerhinestonestone's throwtimeslimeclimeMeaning: n. a sedimentary rock consisting mainly of calcium that was deposited by the remains of marine animals. 
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91. The company's system cleaned soot from the blackened limestone and brick without damaging to the venerable surfaces.
92. When old Aaron Tyson from Limestone Hill sold to the greengrocer's the turnips he'd stacked up for his sheep.
93. This studied the economics of reducing groundwater pollution in ten catchments overlying chalk, sand or limestone aquifers.
94. Bristol is penetrated by calcium-loving vegetation growing on the limestone cliffs of the Avon Gorge.
95. The limestone was deposited in very quiet water conditions, which accounts for the preservation of this delicate little fossil.
96. To date, the limestone chippings have not yet been installed.
97. Diving into woods with old limestone spoil heaps and scrubby clearings is like discovering a stash of lost gems.
98. Here there are thick deposits of iron ore near the base of some rocks of oolitic limestone which are of Jurassic age.
99. The acid cuts into the limestone and makes holes that, over the years[], fill with muck.
100. We had come to Phang Nga to visit the limestone islands that rear in their hundreds from the bay.
101. The islands rose sheer out of a millpond sea, pillars of white limestone with ochre splotches capped in crinkly green.
102. The calcareous skeletons of this distinctive species have weathered out from the limestone matrix.
103. Men, who comprised the primary workforce for these activities, sometimes organized independently to exploit local marble and limestone deposits.
104. In the area there are only limestone rocks which splinter easily and so are unsuitable for an inscription.
105. The pass gets its name from two groups of deep limestone potholes set either side of the road.
106. Under normal conditions limestone allows aqueous salt solutions to move constantly through the stone.
107. This larva eventually settles down on a rock, usually chalk or limestone, and grows the two valves of its shell.
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108. In the field opposite are fissures in the underlying limestone, entrances to long subterranean passages.
109. In southern Britain there are many such sudden changes mainly between clay lowlands and escarpments of chalk or oolitic limestone.
110. Here you gaze across the terraced vineyards and orchards to the bare limestone summit of Mont Vertoux.
111. Past the end of the lake a limestone grotto is reached, affording shelter but not now maintained in pristine condition.
112. Limestone had been carved away.
113. Economically minable limestone does not occur so frequently.
114. Caves form when water infiltrates limestone.
115. The limestone must be calcined in such a way.
116. A thin, resistant limestone escarpment is present just basinward.
117. Limestone is rock composed of calcium carbonate.
118. Cement is made from limestone.
119. The limestone walls of Neversink, a 162 - foot - deep air pit, provide habitat for a rare fern.
120. Even the limestone in the Egyptian pyramids contains foram remains, the ancient historian Herodotus noted.
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