Synonym: assignment, course, exercise, instruction, study, teaching. Similar words: regardless of, tactlessness, pass on, dissonant, less, bless, unless, oppressor. Meaning: ['lesn] n. 1. a unit of instruction 2. punishment intended as a warning to others 3. the significance of a story or event 4. a task assigned for individual study.
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121. I would fail my exams but that the classmates help me with my lesson.
122. You can't expect to learn all there is to know about the subject in a 45-minute lesson.
123. The first lesson on the timetable for Monday morning is history.
124. The disaster was an object lesson in how not to run a ship.
125. There is a lesson for all parents in this tragic accident.
126. I had one flying lesson and immediately caught the bug .
127. He wanted to teach her a lesson for showing him up in front of Leonov.
128. Losing money in this way taught young Jones a salutary lesson.
129. Her calm handling of the emergency was an object lesson to us all.
130. The plans are an object lesson in how to ruin a city centre.
131. Please hand in your exercise books at the end of the lesson.
132. The teacher kept half an eye on them all through the lesson.
133. We had a history lesson followed by a double maths lesson.
134. There's still one lesson to be learned from the crisis-we all need to better understand the thinking of the other side.
135. I got horribly drunk once at college and that was enough - I learnt my lesson.
136. The first lesson I learnt as a soldier was never to underestimate the enemy.
137. We could not concentrate on the lesson because the room was noisy.
138. We were disappointed that they could not learn the lesson of history.
139. If you write on the blackboard, rub it off at the end of the lesson.
140. Our teacher ran over the main points at the end of each lesson.
141. These firms have been given a tough lesson in the need to diversify their markets.
142. Life is a long lesson in humility. James Matthew Barrie
143. Suffering is a part of real life lesson. Toba Beta
143. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
144. Her music lesson is about 45 minutes long.
145. Observing Mulvoy during a recent Sunday afternoon crunch time, as the magazine approached bedtime, was a lesson in decisiveness.
146. Learning how to think in the midst of fear is a lesson that everyone needs to learn. Veronica Roth
147. A lesson had been learned, but not fully accepted im-mediately, and it was enormously frustrating.
148. The biggest lesson we have to give our children is truth. Goldie Hawn
149. I can throw an orange like a baseball, but I can’t eat a baseball like an orange. Let that be a life lesson for you. Jarod Kintz
150. Every book teaches a lesson, even if the lesson is only that one has chosen the wrong book. Mason Cooley
More similar words: regardless of, tactlessness, pass on, dissonant, less, bless, unless, oppressor, processor, witless, endless, careless, in excess of, nonetheless, flawless, homeless, tactless, much less, reckless, intercessor, senseless, pointless, transgressor, tactlessly, more or less, regardless, no less than, nevertheless, due process of law, irregardless.