Similar words: larva, larval, par value, starvation, at regular intervals, solar flare, carve, carved.

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61. For example, we might imagine a population of unpalatable, but cryptic, insect larvae.
62. These larvae do not develop, but the skin lesions usually persist for weeks.
63. Larvae then travel via the bronchi, trachea and oesophagus to the gut.
64. Similar lesions, although only transient and pinpoint, may be caused by A. caninum larvae.
65. Depending when the eggs hatch, the larvae will feed on the tender vine shoots, the flowers or the fruit.
66. Behind comes a column of workers, scurrying along a dozen or so abreast, many of them carrying larvae.
67. The whole nest was cooked on the griddle and larvae, pupae and whole wasps were eaten in the cooked nest.
68. This elegant insect is a formidable greenfly guzzler and its larvae are particularly good at exterminating these ubiquitous pests.
69. The larvae are parasites on earthworms, and each adult means one dead earthworm.
70. The larvae produce pheromones and these, circulating within the army, stimulate it to keep on the move.
70. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
71. The ants' larvae possess silk glands with which they spin their own pupal cocoons.
72. Infective larvae which have developed from eggs deposited by ewes in the spring are ingested by ewes and lambs in early summer.
73. But along comes a cabbage root fly, whose larvae feed on the roots.
74. However, control by killing the mosquito larvae suffers from two main deficiencies.
75. First came the tiny bark beetles, whose larvae have now left intricate galleries just under the bark.
76. Purchase eggs, larvae, pupae and breeding cages from entomological suppliers.
77. Although the infective larvae can penetrate the skin, the infection rarely matures and there is no evidence as yet of transmammary infection.
78. First the ugly lumpy larvae, the precision closeups showing its undershot jaw as it chomped its way through its subaqueous world.
79. At slightly higher concentrations, the larvae were killed within twenty-four hours.
80. Glassworms are more commonly found in still waters where the larvae can hover horizontally to lay in wait for prey.
81. After the larvae pupate(, they undergo the dramatic transformations into the adult that constitutes metamorphosis.
82. There will be larvae too, but these are small and go through the sieve.
83. Larvae thus become infected and are killed by the virus.
84. Both fish prefer live foods, such as worms, insect larvae and small fish.
85. In a planted pond the fish will find plenty of algae and insect larvae on which they can feed in order to survive.
86. After ingestion and hatching the larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and within 48 hours have reached the liver.
87. The larvae live in kin groups and are aposematic, while the adults disperse to live a solitary existence and are cryptic.
88. Yet caddis larvae, who do precisely that, command only passing interest.
89. The beetles are long dead now, but their larvae live on.
90. Those that survive and hatch are then pounced on by water beetles, dragonfly larvae and many kinds of fish.
More similar words: larva, larval, par value, starvation, at regular intervals, solar flare, carve, carved, carven, marvel, starve, wharves, carving, parvenu, harvest, starving, marvelous, marvellous, harvesting, pervade, nirvana, servant, pervasion, interval, pervasive, enervate, observant, weather vane, ruhr valley, curvature.