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Journey in a sentence

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Sentence count:261+68Posted:2016-11-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: excursionexpeditionjauntjunketoutingtourtripvoyageAntonym: voyageSimilar words: attorneyadjournjournaljournalismjournalistburnermoneykeep an eye onMeaning: ['dʒɜrnɪ /'dʒɜː-]  n. the act of traveling from one place to another. v. 1. undertake a journey or trip 2. travel upon or across. 
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121. I was stuck with him for the whole journey.
122. How long does the journey usually take?
123. The journey seemed to last forever.
124. I hope you had a good journey.
125. You looked half dead after that journey.
126. They continued their journey on foot.
127. The journey would be dangerous in the extreme.
128. During the car journey, the baby slept.
129. Are you all set for the journey?
130. You must be tired after your long journey.
131. The journey takes an hour, sometimes even longer.
132. They'll be tired after the long journey.
133. We must delay our journey until the weather improves.
134. Her thoughts strayed to the journey ahead of her.
135. a journey by air/bus/land/rail/sea, etc.
136. They had an eighty-mile journey and decided to hitch-hike.
137. I wish you both a very good journey.
138. The journey will entail changing trains twice.
139. Life is often likened to a journey.
140. We broke our journey to Rome at Venice.
141. They make the treacherous journey across stormy seas.
142. They were done up after the journey.
143. It was an acutely uncomfortable journey back to London.
144. We decided to break our journey in Oxford.
145. The refugees made an arduous journey through the mountains.
146. They packed all their things for the journey.
147. We broke our return journey in San Francisco.
148. The journey through the jungle was perilous.
149. The journey was a positive nightmare.
150. How long is the journey,( door to door?
More similar words: attorneyadjournjournaljournalismjournalistburnermoneykeep an eye oncornerlearnedearnestInternetwildernesseastern europearound the cornerturnbe concerned aboutturn onchurnspurnturn outturn toturn inturn offin turnburn outburn upreturnturn upburning
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