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Jest in a sentence

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Sentence count:76+9Posted:2017-03-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: funjokemockteaseSimilar words: majesticYour Majestymanifest destinyvestnestquestzestrestMeaning: [dʒest]  n. 1. a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter 2. activity characterized by good humor. v. 1. tell a joke; speak humorously 2. act in a funny or teasing way. 
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31. King: I like your jest, but no.
32. In jest or earnest, such a man would not wish to leave this human and more than human mystery unresolved.
33. It was made more in jest than seriousness but it does convey the nature of the Nicholson's operation.
34. And so in pleasant jest and repartee a short time was passed.
35. It was said, only half in jest, that the seeds of future marriages were sown during the kiss of peace.
36. Don't jest with me.
37. There had been anger as well at the cruel jest of fate that had brought her into love with her own brother.
37. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
38. The squirrel that you kill in jest, dies in earnest. Henry David Thoreau 
39. Many wise words are spoken in jest, but they don't compare with the number of stupid words spoken in earnest. Sam Levenson 
40. I had spoken in jest, but Challenger gave a contemptuous snort.
41. They exchanged words, not all of which appeared to be in jest.
42. His companion chuckled at the jest, but Gravelet, whose stage name was Blondin, was deadly serious.
43. What he said in 1 714, perhaps in jest, later gained acceptance as the perfect moniker for the marine timekeeper.
44. The athletes liked to jest with the other students.
45. Why do you jest at my honesty?
46. You mustn't jest at me.
47. He laughed unpleasantly at his own jest.
48. He that can jest at love has never loved.
49. A young machine hand, attracted by her looks, made bold to jest with her.
50. Hardly did they break a jest, and if they did, the target was always his buddy's girl.
51. That is why I at myself and shatter my secret in jest.
52. What we say, even in jest, may need to be accounted for in the day of judgement .
53. Oh, Maximilian, how can you jest at a time when we have such deep cause for uneasiness?
54. The project is investigating how the content of a JEST response can be authenticated or controlled at a fine-grained data level based on the requesting client's credentials.
55. Then, the financial jest with acerbic only zealous those past economist, what had become American at one's leisure today is newfangled.
56. The nurse is terrible jest, the assay of uric sample go off with oneself.
57. Even if that's your jest, the sweety deep in my heart is a lie without sham.
58. Boris smiled circumspectly , a smile that might do duty either for a sneer or a tribute to the jest, according to the way it was received.
59. This word that chamberlain gives doorknob Yuan Zongkui says to listen to everybody, one city person manages this in jest Matthew is persnickety, regard the joke of at one's leisure as this his word.
60. So, ligenli uses each opportunity with respect to age issue break a jest.
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