Synonym: go-between, intercessor, intermediator, mediator. Similar words: intermediate, interment, in terms, intermit, in terms of, intermingle, interminable, intermission. Meaning: n. a negotiator who acts as a link between parties.

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1 They were approached indirectly through an intermediary.
2 The police negotiated with the gunman through an intermediary.
3 Jackson acted as an intermediary between the two parties.
4 She agreed to act as intermediary between the two tribes.
5 She wanted him to act as an intermediary in the dispute with Moscow.
6 The King responded to the questions through an intermediary.
7 The intermediary requires a greater depth in instruction.
8 In any backward society the role of sympathetic intermediary agents and interpreters between high and rural politics is crucial.
9 Manzi said he was contacted by an intermediary in December who suggested he look into Industry.
10 An intermediary can keep its client's name secret, at least in the early stages.
11 This important intermediary role and its consequences are examined in later chapters.
12 Switzerland's foreign minister served as an intermediary between the two countries.
13 Before the war, the most common intermediary between a potential employee and an employer was the employment agency.
14 The firm can rely on the intermediary if it has no reasonable grounds to doubt what he says.
15 Are you acting as an intermediary for the account?
16 They disliked each other too much to meet, so they conducted all their business through an intermediary.
17 All talks have so far been conducted through an intermediary.
18 The former president has agreed to act as an intermediary between the government and the rebels.
19 The product is then sold to the end-user via an intermediary.
20 Satisfied with what be heard, he asked the teacher to be an intermediary between himself and the Kangs.
21 The term morphosyllabic is meant to suggest that they do so via the intermediary of some element representing a syllable.
22 Speaking the language of the country is more important in direct selling than if the firm is dealing through an intermediary.
23 He said he had erred in using a government fax machine and telephone to contact an intermediary about the donation.
24 Reagan clung to the belief that he was not paying ransom but merely rewarding an intermediary for services rendered.
25 A particularly important role for the father is to act as an intermediary with the outside world.
26 The forums are organized by the Business Youth Exchange, an intermediary group associated with the local chamber of commerce.
27 Nor did Bo ever meet his superior,( who passed him messages through an intermediary.
28 The key to avoiding what its rivals did, says Eat OnLine, is that it just acts as an intermediary.
29 NSAIDs cause direct cellular damage during drug absorption by several interacting actions on intermediary metabolism.
30 Oddly enough, it was the United States that acted as an important intermediary in these arguments.
More similar words: intermediate, interment, in terms, intermit, in terms of, intermingle, interminable, intermission, intermittent, interminably, diary, media, median, medial, mediate, comedian, incendiary, subsidiary, mediator, remedial, mediation, immediate, mass media, immediately, subsidiary ledger, tertiary, watermelon, betterment, interpreter, mediterranean.