Antonym: ignorance. Similar words: intellectual, intellectually, intelligent, intelligence, intelligible, intelligibility, intelligence agency, collect. Meaning: ['ɪntəlekt]
n. 1. knowledge and intellectual ability 2. the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination 3. a person who uses the mind creatively.

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61. Sometimes the words themselves mean little, but the emotional impact they convey goes deeper than the intellect.
62. Nevertheless, intellect seems easier for computers to learn than supposedly more simple human interaction skills.
63. Johnson's mother stressed intellectual and artistic achievement, while his father considered intellect and culture to be unmanly.
64. The intellect, by the definition of consciousness, separates itself from the emotions; and didactic literature does the same.
65. If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads. Ralph Waldo Emerson 

66. She sensed it; she knew it in some atavistic way that had nothing to do with intellect.
67. A body could also be a traitor, indulging urges alien to intellect and emotion.
68. Men are governed by lines of intellect - women: by curves of emotion. James Joyce 

69. She had a remarkable face, one that denoted a quick intellect and a kind heart.
70. What reserves of strength and intellect she must have to remember details like that!
71. Too one-sided a pitch, appealing exclusively to intellect or emotions[], is unlikely to be effective.
72. I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. Galileo Galilei 

73. There is really more to this than necessary pessimism of the intellect associated with optimism of the will.
74. He had squandered his great gifts of talent, intellect, and personal magnetism.
75. The intellect merely helps us choose the means by which we may best achieve ends dictated by our instincts.
76. His natural endowment consists of a particular range of capacities: physical strength, mobility, vision, hearing, intellect and so forth.
77. Joyce's books seem designed to appeal to the intellect rather than the emotions.
78. A gut-level fear reaction that comes out of a basic survival instinct and which operates independently of the intellect.
79. His conceptual approach to problems and decision-making is supported, mostly positively, by a superior general intellect.
80. Even as a baby, little Joseph displayed a strong will, furious temper, and rare intellect.
81. Corning wasn't a great intellect, but he knew how to get things done.
82. We know the ways and means to spend our life comfortably with the help of intellect.
83. Ji Xiaolan was a peerless intellect of his time.
84. Strut your intellect and practice your mental dexterity.
85. Do the emotions develop in parallel with the intellect?
86. While there is one untrodden tractFor intellect or will. And men are free to think and act, Life is worth living. ( A.
87. While there is one untrodden tract for intellect or will, And men are free to think and act, Life is worth living.
88. And that's why we demand the light of intellect, with which we learn, we recognize, we comprehend and reform the world, and we reforge ourselves whilst we rebuild the environment.
89. It was certainly not his intellect , which was amazingly spotty, marred by great gaps.
90. The intellect is a cleaver ; it discerns and rifts its way into the secret of things.
More similar words: intellectual, intellectually, intelligent, intelligence, intelligible, intelligibility, intelligence agency, collect, collector, recollect, collective, collection, collectable, collectively, collectivity, collective farm, data collection, collectivization, electoral college, reflecting telescope, collective security, intersect, interject, collective bargaining, interpellation, interjection, tell, electromagnetic spectrum, tell on, telecast.