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Inhibition in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+1Posted:2016-12-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: inhibitinhibitedexhibitionprohibitionambitionexhibitprohibitambitiousMeaning: [‚ɪnhɪ'bɪʃn]  n. 1. (psychology) the conscious exclusion of unacceptable thoughts or desires 2. the quality of being inhibited 3. (physiology) the process whereby nerves can retard or prevent the functioning of an organ or part 4. the action of prohibiting or inhibiting or forbidding (or an instance thereof). 
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121. When the substituent at the benzene ring and the N atom of aniline, the HDAC inhibition activity is different from that of SAHA.
122. The study authors conclude that it is very likely that minocycline's neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects are due to PARP-1 inhibition.
123. Al was significantly poisonous to soil nitrifier, dinitrifier and azotobacter at high concentration, and the maximum inhibition ratio reached 96%, 98% and 89%, respectively.
124. The contents of quinolone medicines such as ofloxacin etc in aqueous solution are analyzed by ion inhibition chromatography.
125. Conclusion The mechanism of inhalation anesthesia with enflurane and isoflurane may be related to the inhibition of brain NOS activity in rat.
126. It is proved that the self - made antifungal agentantifungal effect , by the inhibition.
127. In addition, loss of cell adhesion may contribute to loss of contact inhibition and thus play a role at the earlier stage of the neoplastic process.
128. Drug sensitivity tests showed that the Cefazolin and Ceftazidime were more effective than other antibiotics in inhibition of bacterial L form.
129. A characteristic pattern of connections among neurons (nerve cell) in the eyes of most animals (including humans) is lateral inhibition network.
130. In addition, fenvalerate caused 1.53-fold Induction of aldrin-epoxidase activity in midgut of resistant strain, while phenobarbital caused significant inhibition to it.
131. The inhibition of pyrocatechol on sulfite oxidation was investigated by oxygen removal and air oxidation tests.
132. Temporarily dampening inhibition enhances a form of learning called long-term potentiation —the process by which information is stored through the strengthening of synapses.
133. As a result of the inhibition of the hydrolysis of acetylcholine, acetylcholine accumulates in the neuromuscular junction.
134. On most matters she's quite prepared to sound off without inhibition.
135. Water treatment agent of quaternary humic acid has been prepared(, its properties of biocide and scale and corrosion inhibition are evaluated.
136. Conclusion NO may have beneficial effect on the outcome of endotoxic shock in the study and inhibition of NO production may be detrimental.
137. These studies reveal ESM-1 as a novel mediator of lymphangiogenesis and as a potential target for the inhibition of pathologic lymphatic vessel activation.
138. Non- anthocyanidin polyphenols have many biological activities such as anti-oxidative effect, anti-cancer effect, protection of heart and vessels and nervous system, inhibition of bacteria.
139. Inhibition of proliferative response of B lymphocyte to SAC by HI47 is also observed.
140. Ramus height and condylar width reduced in the mandibular retrusion group, which was a result of condylar growth inhibition during adolescence.
141. RESULTS The ordinary styles of respiratory insufficiency which is caused by brain trauma are respiratory inhibition, neurogenic pneumonedema, impedient distributary and pulmonary infection.
142. Objective : To study the inhibition effect of agaro - oligosaccharide ( AOS ) on neovascularization and its mechanism.
143. The efficacy of Chinese herb medicine Lanteng injection against Newcastle Disease virus (NDV) in vitro was studied by cultivation of chicken embryo and haemagglutination inhibition test (HI).
144. Competitive inhibition between methane and propene was minimized by physical separation of the regeneration and epoxidation.
145. Objective To investigate the inhibition effect of Limax extract(LE) in the growth of human lung cancer A549 cell line in vitro and tumorigenicity in mice.
146. With the similar histological change, alendronate treatment group, due to inhibition of the osteoclast cells, needs statistically greater pull out strength than estrogen treatment group does.
147. The results show that the inhibition of tyrosinase by arbutin is a reversible reaction with remaining enzyme activity.
148. The difference of model of inhibition action between rhodojaponins and azadirachtin was also discussed.
149. The inhibition effect of BACE siRNA on BACE expression was investigated by fluoroscopy and immunohistochemistry method.
150. For infrared image with the characteristics of low contrast and low signal-to-noise(, a infrared image enhancement method based on Wavelet Transform and Lateral Inhibition Network is presented.
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