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Illustration in a sentence

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Sentence count:256+8Posted:2017-02-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: exampleexemplificationinstancerepresentativeSimilar words: illustratefrustrationregistrationdemonstrationadministrationillusiondisillusionconcentrationMeaning: [‚ɪlə'streɪʃn]  n. 1. artwork that helps make something clear or attractive 2. showing by example 3. an item of information that is representative of a type 4. a visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is used make some subject more pleasing or easier to understand. 
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(91) Below is a simple illustration of this, given on two staves to save space.
(92) Arthur Rackham: A life with illustration, puts the spotlight right back where it should be.
(93) This is so evident that it does not require illustration.
(94) A further illustration of this is to be found in the conventions governing spelling.
(95) I would like to give you just one illustration to show what I mean by the disintegrating influence of a dynamic force.
(96) The obvious example is agriculture,[] usually employed as an illustration in chapters on perfect competition in introductory texts.
(97) After all, in 1,189 densely-printed pages, space has not been found for a single illustration.
(98) As an illustration of stitch pattern sizes, look at Figure 1.
(99) An illustration of this can be found in the funerals of very famous people conducted with great pomp and circumstance.
(100) With this cautionary illustration behind us we can now proceed to a more complex and interesting example.
(101) As another illustration there is the interesting case of a lady of seventy.
(102) Words come in only as convenient for purposes of illustration.
(103) This approach also provides a direct illustration of one major application of microprocessors in process control.
(104) He has put before the House an illustration of how the Labour party wants to increase the cost of national insurance.
(105) Lafaille's climbs give vivid illustration that adventure can still be found, even in the world's most crowded massif.
(106) The usual illustration is a car dealer stating that one car is a better runner than
(107) Doubtless the carver mistook a lighted candle for a flower on the illustration he was copying.
(108) This is nowhere better illustrated than in the case we used for our basic illustration of good design itself - echolocation.
(109) They are in danger of seeing each illustration as a separate creation, in a picture-frame rather than in a story.
(110) Note the typical crude woodcut illustration, probably resurrected from an earlier publication.
(111) He had shown her how the frontispiece illustration was the key to it.
(112) Differential association is a good illustration of these two contradictory tendencies.
(113) Northern Ireland provides a particularly clear illustration of the sometimes hidden problems involved in majoritarian thinking about democracy.
(114) The rise of the Carron de Saint-Thomas clan offers a generalized illustration of how the Savoyard administrative elite developed at this time.
(115) The Star's fuller reports gave a vivid illustration of two starkly contrasting versions of the same incident.
(116) He looked like a prince from an uncensored story, a Beardsley illustration of male perfection.
(117) A good illustration is a piece I received in the mail yesterday.
(118) But in order to give a preliminary illustration, we can take the example of these lectures.
(119) Knyvet provides an interesting illustration of the problems faced by the Crown in raising revenue.
(120) As an illustration, imagine a child walking down a country road with his father.
More similar words: illustratefrustrationregistrationdemonstrationadministrationillusiondisillusionconcentrationindustrializationindustrialisationtransfigurationfrustrateratificationgratificationadministrativerationorationoperationdurationrationaladorationmigrationjustificationaberrationvenerationirrationalliberationadmirationaspirationreparation
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