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Horror in a sentence

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Sentence count:263+35Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: repugnancerepulsionrevulsionSimilar words: terrorterroristterrorismhorriblejurorsorryworryharrowMeaning: ['hɑrə(r) ,'hɔ- /hɒ'r-]  n. 1. intense and profound fear 2. something that inspires dislike; something horrible 3. intense aversion. 
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(181) Then I became the black sheep and I found to my horror that everyone thought I was off my bloody head.
(182) Horror stories are rife of ex-cons setting up their own security companies, with all the obvious risks that entails.
(183) But this face was bigger; swollen and bigger still than the horror in the car.
(184) He stopped dead in his tracks, rooted to the spot with horror.
(185) I think when the full horror of being fifty hits you, you should stay home and have a good cry. Josh Billings 
(186) Behind the mask of her dark blue eyes lurked horror and shock, perhaps even guilt.
(187) Fiver, as he listened, had shown a mixture of intense absorption and incredulous horror.
(188) Marge clung to Janey and stared at the blank door in horror.
(189) The programme focuses on the fascinating story of Mary Shelley, the woman who, at just 18, wrote the horror masterpiece Frankenstein.
(190) Horror coursed through Grainne, so that for a moment the stone room tilted all about her.
(191) The man who jumped him had gone and the crowd about him was drawing back in horror.
(192) I looked at the double doors in horror and wondered if perchance Toplis might be hiding inside.
(193) Only the extraordinary personal anguish expressed by the judges themselves reminds us of the human horror at the centre of it all.
(194) Anderson combines affection and horror in his version of the seventies while avoiding the trap of nostalgia.
(195) The horror receded as she came back to reality, breathing hard(, glad of her cream duvet and calm hotel surroundings.
(196) To her horror it was every bit as bad as she'd feared, and possibly even a tiny bit worse.
(197) In this situation, many women find their minds turning to horror stories such as that of Marie Wilkes.
(198) Blanche gave a few more curt television interviews, voicing her horror at the murder and appealing for any information.
(199) The man sitting next to her grandmother wore the distinctive sharp-peaked cap of the Gestapo and Peach froze with horror.
(200) Sabine cried out in horror as the Peugeot swerved crazily,( and plunged off the road.
(201) Accelerating violence and horror eventually hit maximum velocity and warp into nonsense, no matter how erudite the script.
(202) Sometimes the sheer scale of the horror may demand action.
(203) The thought of thousands of tonnes of radioactive waste being buried under their favourite stretch of countryside filled local residents with horror.
(204) Helen watched my grandmother with a peculiar horror, for my grandmother had abandoned all attempts to make herself presentable.
(205) He'd played in some eminently forgettable horror movies and I felt I could not seriously consider him.
(206) It was a fundamental assault on our sensibility and aroused a horror almost too deep for tears.
(207) This is the third in Raimi's Evil Dead series, which has so far been acclaimed by ghouls and horror fans.
(208) She watched it with pity and horror in her heart as it drifted slowly toward her.
(209) But if the guide helps corporations improve their writing, it could help investors avoid horror shows of their own.
(210) It made a noise like an old-fashioned horror film soundtrack whenever it came into contact with the keyboard.
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