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Holland in a sentence

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Sentence count:135+6Posted:2017-02-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: collarhollowcollatecollapsecollationhollownessgallantlylandholderMeaning: n. a constitutional monarchy in western Europe on the North Sea; half the country lies below sea level. 
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31. The Low Countries are Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg.
32. Common interests allied Holland with the Protestant German states.
33. Holland is one of Germany's neighbours.
34. The dike has been a great protection to Holland.
35. Holland is flat, there are no mountains.
36. The nature of punishment in Holland prison is
37. Eugene Holland was sentenced to 20 years in prison for drug trafficking.
38. A court in Holland rejected a call by social services to extend Laura Dekker’s supervision order because of fears for her ‘social and emotional wellbeing’.
39. My name is Evert , and I come from Holland.
40. The fashion of the gable end with attic window towards the street, came from Holland.
41. In case the ultimate day of rejection falls on a non - banking day in Holland , the ultimate day of rejection shall be extended to the first following banking day in Holland.
42. Some of the bridges, like the George Washington Bridge, and some of the tunnels, such as the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels, are famous.
43. UK - based etiquette expert Rachel Holland is a firm believer in the primacy of the handshake.
44. While vacationing with her mother in Arnhem, Holland, Hitler's army suddenly took over the town.
45. He fled overseas to Holland and then came back at the time of Glorious Revolution, 1688.
46. Compared with such countries as Switzerland or Holland , the United States is poorly equipped to teach foreign languages, often with deplorable, and sometimes even tragicomic, results.
47. James Bond: What crapper I alter you backwards from Holland?
48. Countries such as West Germany and Holland revalued their currencies.
49. Gianluigi Buffon has spoken of his pride at wearing the captain's armband for Italy in what promises to be a hard-fought clash with Holland.
50. Mr Holland doesn't quite prove that millenarian angst was a decisive factor in the history of Europe and the Mediterranean.
51. Frisian, spoken in northern Holland , developed independently , as did Faroese, a Scandinavian language spoken Faroe Islands.
52. Although Japan implemented the exclusion policy for over 200 years, it maintained the contact with the western civilization through trade relations with Holland.
53. After landing in Holland. Schultz saw Gavin come down, struggle to his feet in obvious pain, sling his M-1, and move out for his command post.
54. About the same time, small importation was made into Germany and Holland for the same purpose.
55. This technology was not instituted into England and Holland until the 17th century, sparking an abundance of food which some experts say was a necessary prerequisite for the industrial revolution.
56. My name is evert, and i come from holland .
57. Holland and Sherry has spun its special vicuna worsted from llamas in Peru and Bolivia. It is then brought back to the company's factory in Yorkshire.
58. No problem. Simply surround at-risk cities (like New York) or countries (like Holland) with off-shore waterworlds anchored to the sea floor.
59. On the fourth of February, the Skink reached the Canadian 2nd Armoured Brigade a few miles south of Nijmegen, Holland, and joined the Allied push on the Rhine.
60. A backpack full of pebbles returned with me to Holland.
More similar words: collarhollowcollatecollapsecollationhollownessgallantlylandholdercollaboratecollapsiblenull and voidmelancholycollaborationsurveillanceuncontrollablemiscellaneousholdallaywholeholeholycall atvillarollpolltolldollhold onupholdbehold
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