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Having in a sentence

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Sentence count:261+58Posted:2017-03-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: savingravingheavingcravingbehaviorbehavioralravinemisbehaviour
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181 He was filled with remorse for having refused to visit his dying father.
182 Having overpaid the bills, I had a balance of credit in my card.
183 He studied metallurgy as a mature student, having spent ten years working in a foundry.
184 He confessed to sleeping/having slept through most of the film.
185 You should ensure against loss of heat by having double glazing.
186 We were faced with the awful reality of having nowhere to live.
187 I have enough complication in my life without having to look after your sick pets!
188 Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
189 Japan is in the enviable position of having a budget surplus.
190 She hired a detective to find out if her husband was having an affair.
191 Be thankful for what you have.You'll end up having more.
192 Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love-pure without any defect. However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love-same transparent but easily broken.
193 I made up an excuse about having to look after the kids.
194 She was quite candid about the difficulties the government is having.
195 Just imagine all the problems we've been having(, multiplied a thousandfold.
196 We will be having New Year Party at Wang Ping's this year. You are welcome to join us!
197 The most fearful enemy is not having a firm conviction.
198 Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.
199 The company is having to cast around feverishly for ways to cut its costs.
200 He witnessed to having seen the accused kill the boy.
201 Naomi admits that it was peer pressure to be "cool" that drove her into having sex early.
202 She always keeps me up to date with the latest gossip - you know[], so-and-so from down the road is having a baby and so-and-so's just bought a car.
203 He was arrested on suspicion of having stolen the money.
204 She's in a lather about having to speak to such a large crowd.
205 Some hospitals are so shorthanded that nurses and doctors are having to work twenty-hour shifts.
206 We're having a meeting next week to discuss the matter.
207 It's not easy having a relationship when you live at opposite ends of the country.
208 The torment of having her baby kidnapped is written all over her face.
209 I was just congratulating Ceri on winning/on having won her race.
210 You might as well take your father's car - there's no point in having it sit there unused in the garage.
More similar words: savingravingheavingcravingbehaviorbehavioralravinemisbehaviourwith a view toliving thingmovinglivingservinggiving upthrivingstrivingskydivingconnivingmisgivingconvincingunnervingrevolvingliving wageliving roomgiving birthThanksgivingdriving licencethe cost of livingstandard of livinghave
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