Similar words: as busy as a bee, been, if it had not been for, pandora's box, smorgasbord, as blind as a bat, do one's best, misbehave. Meaning: n. someone who is no longer popular.

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(1) He was written off as a has-been.
(2) To say they are has-beens is cruel, but their recent Grand Slam record speaks for itself.
(3) The arrogance of some of the has-beens in the Athletico squad is pathetic.
(4) He is a has-been now.
(5) Today he is a has-been.
(6) Nixon is a political has-been.
(7) Players will play an aristocratic descent, has-been invited to participate in "Dou Dezhu, " World Tour, four aristocratic daughter to accompany you to Doude Zhu.
(8) At Apple, Jobs turned a struggling has-been into a world-beating innovation factory.
(9) Lisa is a has-been. No one will hire her any more.
(10) Lisa is a has-been.
(11) Because he's a hypocrite and a has-been and—goddamn it, Nicolas Cage doesn't need any of you fucking people.
(12) LIKE THE AGING HAS-BEEN WHO ruefully looks back on his glory days in high school, many investors frequently replay previous bull markets in their minds.
(13) If you don't and slalom continues to be so poorly attended it risks becoming a has-been sport.
(14) Triumph Tigers should belong to boys like Nails, rough and lawless, not hopeless has-beens like himself.
(15) Employment training in Britain is a scandal and is often run by Government-appointed has-beens from industry accountable to no-one.
(16) A peerless champion of his own era, he had been reduced to an ineffectual has-been by the modern gunslingers.
(17) The country is crying out for leadership and all Mr Smith has to offer is a talking-shop for academics and political has-beens.
(18) After all, no one wants to be labelled a has-been.
(19) Analysts estimate that those investments alone account for at least half of Yahoo's market value and most of its growth, and a sale would leave a U.S.-focused Internet has-been with murky prospects.
(20) The cruel truth is that for all its residual market share, Nokia looks like a has-been.
(21) At 22, in the prime of his musical career, Les Paul was about to become a one-armed has-been.
(22) Just a week ago, most analysts and ordinary French considered Dominique Strauss-Kahn a political has-been.
(23) Such problems are usually described in terms like: "Alex is just lazy" or "Brenda is a bad-tempered old has-been".
(24) I guess she's not aware that she's already a has-been .
(25) It is not hard to see the reasons for celebrating the end of the line for has-been leaders.
More similar words: as busy as a bee, been, if it had not been for, pandora's box, smorgasbord, as blind as a bat, do one's best, misbehave, disbelief, casus belli, disbelieve, bee, misbehavior, misbehaviour, beer, beef, beech, beef up, beetle, beer can, beeline, busy bee, beehive, it is believed that, beetroot, root beer, be equal to, roast beef, beethoven, ginger beer.