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Full moon in a sentence

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Sentence count:122+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: fullfull phase of the moonfull-of-the-moonSimilar words: moona blue moonmoonlightonce in a blue moonfullfullyin fullawfullyMeaning: n. the time when the moon is fully illuminated. 
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1. The fog cleared away and the full moon appeared.
2. A full moon hovered in the sky.
3. A lone wolf howled under the full moon.
4. There's a full moon tonight.
5. Our way was lit by a full moon.
6. The road shone frostily under the full moon.
7. A full moon bathed the countryside in a silver light.
8. Whenever there was a full moon he would start behaving strangely.
9. When there is a full moon, this nocturnal rodent is careful to stay in its burrow.
10. Tours departs throughout the year on full moon weekends.
11. I believe there is a full moon.
12. There was a bright, nearly full moon.
13. The full moon is circular.
14. A full moon rose over the valley.
15. Slowly,( ) a full moon came up over the horizon.
16. Already the moon was up, a full moon bathing everything in a pale blue light.
17. The sky was clear and a full moon shone, lighting the landscape.
18. There was a full moon, which had stolen, like a ghost, into the sky long before sunset.
19. Abruptly the full moon passed across the gaping wound in their roof and no longer shone directly into the room.
20. It was a rare incandescent, magical full moon,[] alfresco evening.
21. Many are much brighter than the full Moon, and some of the largest even rival the Sun in brightness.
22. During the middle of each month the full moon was attacked by a colossal sow and ravenously devoured.
23. It is thoroughly bone-chilling on nights of the full moon when there are cloudless skies.
24. Jurors returned to Pythian Road under a full moon Thursday night.
25. A phantom coach is said to pass through the grounds of this house when there's a full moon.
26. The phases of the moon include the new and the full moon.
27. The smooth surface of the lake reflected the bright full moon.
28. It falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon of Spring.
29. But the Jaguthin who became my close companions were summoned at night, during the full moon.
30. Reality now was the children catching insects for food, and wartime silence under a high, full moon.
More similar words: moona blue moonmoonlightonce in a blue moonfullfullyin fullawfullyto the fullfull-timeruefullybe full ofcarefullyjoyfullyfull timehopefullywistfullytactfullyscornfullyskillfullyin full swingat full speedsuccessfullymake full use ofdisdainfullypurposefullysalmonalmosthallmarkby all means
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