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Parsley in a sentence

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Sentence count:152+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Petroselinum crispumSimilar words: oversleeppaisleysparseparsimonioussleeping partnerpart and parcelalleyvalleyMeaning: ['pɑrslɪ/'pɑː-]  n. 1. annual or perennial herb with aromatic leaves 2. aromatic herb with flat or crinkly leaves that are cut finely and used to garnish food. 
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1. Parsley seed goes nine times to the Devil. 
2. Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well.
3. Garnish the dish with parsley before serving.
4. Add some fresh parsley, finely chopped.
5. Garnish the dish with sprigs of parsley.
6. Garnish the fish with some fresh parsley and a squeeze of lemon.
7. Stir the parsley into the potatoes and serve at room temperature.
8. Remove from the heat, add the parsley, toss and serve at once.
9. Add finely chopped parsley.
10. Parsley is hardy and can be grown outdoors from the spring.
11. Parsley is probably the most commonly used of all herbs.
12. Stir in parsley and Parmesan cheese.
13. Add baking powder, parsley, onions, salt and pepper.
14. Add remaining ingredients, except olives, couscous and parsley.
15. Return meat to pan and stir in parsley.
16. For dry skin try parsley or cornflower.
17. Mix with the finely chopped shallots, tarragon and parsley.
18. Check seasoning and garnish with parsley.
19. Stir in parsley, lemon juice and hot pepper sauce.
20. Remove lid. Stir in parsley and Parmesan cheese.
20. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
21. Stir in vinegar and parsley just before serving.
22. Stir in tarragon, parsley, chicken, corn and leeks.
23. Add a dab of butter and some parsley.
24. Garnish with dill or parsley and serve right away.
25. Simmer for 25 mins, add grated cheese and parsley.
26. Fresh parsley is often used for garnishes.
27. We discovered that parsley makes a terrific companion.
28. Remove from heat and add peppercorns and parsley.
29. Stir in cranberries, walnuts, grated lemon rind and parsley.
30. The salmon was brought to the table whole, garnished with parsley and slices of tomato and cucumber.
More similar words: oversleeppaisleysparseparsimonioussleeping partnerpart and parcelalleyvalleyblind alleyruhr valleyrift valleyvolleyballa blind alleygreat rift valleyshearsmarshharshyearsslewislesledhearsaycoarsehoarsehearseaislehasslesleepsleekearshot
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