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Fourth in a sentence

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Sentence count:232+19 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: 4thfourth partfourthlyone-fourthquarterquarternquaternarytwenty-five percentSimilar words: furthermorefourfoundercourthurtprofoundcurtaincourtroomMeaning: [fɔrθ /fɔːθ]  n. 1. following the third position; number four in a countable series 2. one of four equal parts 3. the musical interval between one note and another four notes away from it. adj. coming next after the third and just before the fifth in position or time or degree or magnitude. adv. in the fourth place. 
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1. Many boys explode firecrackers on the Fourth of July.
2. It's his fourth season as an Arsenal defender.
3. He declined to make projections about fourth quarter earnings.
4. Uruguay's scoring spree began in the fourth minute.
5. In his fourth year he was truanting regularly.
6. They won 1?0 for the fourth consecutive week.
7. It's the fourth stop from here.
8. Delta is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.
9. April is the fourth month of the year.
10. By the time the fourth course was served, I was stuffed to the gills.
11. The fourth night of violence in the German city of Rostock was triggered by football supporters.
12. When he scored his fourth goal of the afternoon, we were forced to forgive his showboating and other antics.
13. Schumacher took the chequered flag to win his fourth Grand Prix of the season.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. This was the fourth mass killing in Australia in four years.
15. 2 is the fourth root of 16.
16. Pezzo tussled for fourth place with Orvosova.
17. There was no disgrace in finishing fourth.
18. He forged into the lead in the fourth set.
19. They took the lift to the fourth floor.
20. Woosnam and Lyle tied for fourth place on 264.
21. I was going well and was lying fourth.
22. South Carolina is the fourth largest producer of tobacco.
23. Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension.
24. The champion dropped the challenger in the fourth round.
25. The 800m is the fourth event of the afternoon.
26. This was their fourth successive win.
27. The fourth dimension, time(, is also finite in extent.
28. Fireworks have long been an American tradition on the Fourth of July.
29. The boxer had pummelled his opponent into submission by the end of the fourth round.
30. Last year's winner Greg Lemond of the United States is in fourth place.
More similar words: furthermorefourfoundercourthurtprofoundcurtaincourtroomnorthworthnorthernearthon earthworthyother thanset forthfor the restover therecome forthcall forthbe worthnortheastrather thanand so forthfor the bestnorthwestgive birthin order thatfor the sake offor the future
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