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Foreign affairs in a sentence

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Sentence count:147+5Posted:2017-04-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: affairsforeign aidpublic affairsstate of affairsaffairforeignlove affairforeigner
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91. On October 13, 2010, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi held talks with visiting Fijian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Civil Aviation and International Co-operation, Ratu Inoke Kubuabola in Beijing.
92. The minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made an impressived speech.
93. On the same day, Wen Jiabao also met with Guinean State Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mamadi Conde.
94. In April, the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee unanimously passed a resolution backing legislation to make terms like those in the UAE deal the norm, but it has yet to become law.
95. South Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ban Ki-moon has called on China to persuade North Korea not to test-fire a long-range missile.
96. If there is no local Ministry of Foreign Affairs but there is a local Ministry of Economic Affairs or other government institutions, please let them transfer the registration information to us.
97. Hello, Mr. Parson. I'm Gao Ming from the Foreign Affairs Office.
98. All signatory countries will hold a meeting today, attended by the ministers of foreign affairs.
99. Xie will hold a press conference Tuesday night (eastern standard time in the US) after Hu finishes his speech on climate change Tuesday morning, said He Yafei, vice-minister of foreign affairs.
100. A statement from the country's foreign affairs ministry says Prime Minister Meles Zenawi expressed shock and sadness over the crash, which took place after the Boeing 737 took off from Beirut.
101. Washington left office in 1797 pleading for an end to political division and embroilment in foreign affairs.
102. Nevertheless, LinZexu's translation and application of the Law of Nations in dealing international disputes blazed the trail for Qing government to invoke international laws in foreign affairs.
103. Wang Shih - chieh had been Kuomintang minister of foreign affairs.
104. "They forged documents, seems to have been Indonesia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs ... signed by the relevant department heads, to win the confidence of investors,( " the police statement said.
105. Hon. Benjamin A. Gilman, also recipient of the World Peace Prize Top Honor Prize, is a distinguished statesman who served as Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee for a long period of time.
106. After the war he was translated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
107. A tendency of nations to conduct their foreign affairs individualistically, characterized by minimal consultation and involvement with other nations, even their allies.
108. This weekthe officer of Ministry of Foreign Affairs came the school to give a speech.
109. Now, what Pericles untruly said of women, Iam very much disposed to say of foreign affairs—their great merit would be to be never heard of.
110. Organized chronologically and thematically , the book examines Nixon's election campaigns, his remarkable achievements in foreign affairs[], and his involvement in the Watergate scandal.
111. USIA is an independent foreign affairs agency within the executive branch of the U. S. government.
112. The chief of protocol for Sudan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ali Yussuf, described the hijacking as a "terrorist act."
113. As a stander-by, I draw some experience from the analysis of Belarusian-German relations which is conducive to our foreign affairs.
114. Duewel says Ron Paul represents libertarian ideals of small government and non-intervention in foreign affairs that appeal to many young people.
115. Since 1970s, in order to obtain more community of foreign affairs, Pakistan was determined to change the foreign policy of allying with USA, pursuing new nonalignment policy.
116. The formalities of notification by note shall be completed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
117. On December 13, 2004, Vice President Zeng Qinghong met in the Great Hall of the People with the delegation led by Manuel Rodriguez Cuadros, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Peru.
118. That day was the day for the letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
119. Spain's Foreign Affairs Minister Trinidad Jimenez said Monday that Ireland's decision to accept a bailout is good news.
120. Editor Robert McMahon and Foreign Affairs Assistant Editor David Feith preview major world events in the week ahead.
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