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Fleet in a sentence

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Sentence count:207+13Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bandcompanyfastgroupnimblequickrapidswiftSimilar words: fleesleepsleeveriflego to sleepflexiblemeetsee toMeaning: [flɪːt]  n. 1. group of aircraft operating together under the same ownership 2. group of motor vehicles operating together under the same ownership 3. a group of steamships operating together under the same ownership 4. a group of warships organized as a tactical unit. v. 1. move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart 2. disappear gradually. adj. moving very fast. 
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121. In August of the following year he commanded another fleet bringing Louis much needed reinforcements.
122. We will continue to work for the profitable and sustainable future of our fishing fleet.
123. First a new breed of fleet must be dispatched and anchored at 600-mile intervals in the oceans.
124. New security measures, including video surveillance cameras, come into force on the city's bus fleet this week.
125. Anyone faced by a battle fleet is going to feel a sharp sense of scale.
126. Sometimes the boards at the front seem to extend huge leads over the rest of the fleet.
127. In fact[], our fleet is known to be the youngest and most modern of any major airline in the world.
128. They should join the fleet after adequate and complete training.
129. Under Malcolm Fraser the party began to make effective use of its support in Fleet Street.
130. Roker, Tom, turnkey who greets Pickwick on his arrival at the Fleet, and finds him accommodation.
131. The People's car: hundreds of day-trippers brave the discomfort of a fleet of charabancs at Plymouth in 1922.
132. To achieve this, the Museum has built and flown a fleet of replicas.
133. In an experienced large fleet everyone is so keen to get a good start that a bulge often forms.
134. The defect is said to be the first of its kind in Britain's fleet of nuclear-powered submarines.
135. Should a company employ its own delivery fleet, or should it hire contractors for distribution?
136. Running low on fuel Fuchida headed directly back to the battle fleet, now 190 miles north of Oahu.
136. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
137. Meanwhile G120 is facing the wrong way and H 131 is in very disturbed wind behind the whole fleet.
138. This provides shelter for a small fishing fleet, which supports a population of nearly a hundred people.
139. According to Imperial records the horde gathered at the coast and began to construct a huge fleet.
140. We have the largest fleet of trucks in the state.
141. Members of the Doyle family had worked for a company operating a fleet of ice-cream vans in the city.
142. Both are still locked in commercial combat over the lucrative contract to refit Britain's Trident submarine fleet.
143. Motor vehicles: The business owns a fleet of cars and delivery vans all of which were bought from new.
144. Such, in brief outline, was the Combined Fleet plan for the Midway operation.
145. The almighty dollar can rejuvenate the fleet of just about any airline.
146. There have been some welcome additions to the Lowestoft fleet.
147. Conwy's river and estuary bustle with activity, with a small fishing fleet adding colour to the scene.
148. The state has extended her merchant fleet phenomenally.
149. A fleet of ambulances took the injured to hospital.
150. The combined fleet is armed to the teeth.
More similar words: fleesleepsleeveriflego to sleepflexiblemeetsee tosheetgreetreflectionstreetsee thatflexibilityagree tomeet withmeet up with
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