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Fetal in a sentence

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Sentence count:218Posted:2017-05-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: taffetaet alpetalmetallet alonevegetalget alongMeaning: ['fɪːtl]  adj. of or relating to a fetus. 
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121. Methods: Analyzed the status of 49 fetal congenital deformity retrospectively.
122. Conclusion: Three - dimensional ultrasonography is the first diagnosis method in fetal cleft lip and cleft palate.
123. For example, the authors discuss findings where maternal stress has been associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia in male offspring and may alter fetal brain growth.
124. The methods of traditional fetal monitor are based on linear and statistical analysis, so the multichannel fetal monitor comes forth under the endeavor of our group.
125. Hematopoiesis of the other blood elements occurs in the fetal spleen.
126. Objective To evaluate the amniotic fluid index ( AFI ) in monitoring fetal well ? being .
127. Objective To evaluate the function ential diagnosis of fetal omphalocele .
128. Medical breakthroughs enabled fetal heart surgery, reactive contact lenses, and even a prosthetic device for eye blinking.
129. When the placenta function obstacles, umbilical cord around the neck, improper use of pregnant women, the case of adverse external stimulus, may cause abnormal fetal movement.
130. This system realizes the remote hurtless monitoring of community fetal electrocardiogram. Community medical staff can directly monitor fetal electrocardiogram in time.
131. Conclusion: Fetal testis transplantation is an effective method to cure male hypogonadism and has great value of clinical application for its weak immunogenicity .
132. It is a matter of hormones, more specifically, of hormonal levels in the mid-point of fetal development and how they affect that part of the brain called the hypothalamus.
133. When MT was coadministered with DPH , there was a significant dose - related reduction ( 5 % ~12.24 % ) in fetal defects induced by DPH.
134. DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid which plays an important role in brain development, especially during the critical period of fetal development and infancy.
135. Objective To study the clinical value of fetal monitoring in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy ( ICP ).
136. Science, Medicine, and the Future: Cell-free fetal DNA and RNA in maternal blood: implications for safer antenatal testing.
137. Conclusion:Fetal fibronectin in cervicovaginal secretions can be used as the objective indicator for prediction of preterm labor.
138. Objective To explore the sonography characteristics and clinical value of fetal genitourinary system malformation.
139. Surgical treatment includes in utero transfusion, in utero transplantation, drainage of fetal effusion, fetoscopic surgery, opened fetal surgery and the ex utero intrapartum treatment.
140. A . The rate of maternal fetal and neonatal complications increases with gestational age.
141. I was 16 weeks, four months after feeling fetal movement.
142. Until the eighth week of gestation every human fetal brain looks female.
143. Early diagnosis and timely treatment of mild abruptio placenta may decrease fetal and neonatal mortality and diminish maternal complications.
144. Objective : To investigate the clinical value of echocardiography in diagnosis of fetal ventricular septal defect.
145. Only a few dozen patients have received brain cells from fetal pigs.
146. Conclusion This study offers a theoretic basis to the early prediction of fetal hyperdynamic circulation with Doppler ultrasound.
147. Objective To determine whether genetically normal immunocompetent rodent hosts could be manipulated to accept human fetal hepatocyte transplants and survive without immunosuppression.
148. Conclusion: Prenatal diagnosis of fetal gastrointestinal tract anomalies is of instructional clinical value in eugenetics and postnatal treatments.
149. Objective:To explore the risk factors and nursing strategy during induction of labor after intrauterine fetal death of early onset of severe preeclampsia patients.
150. An equation is established for the calculation of the increase in fetal body weight to fertilization age.
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