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Fetal in a sentence

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Sentence count:218Posted:2017-05-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: taffetaet alpetalmetallet alonevegetalget alongMeaning: ['fɪːtl]  adj. of or relating to a fetus. 
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91. if you could prevent the switch from happening, or reverse it, and let people with sickle cell disease use fetal hemoglobin for life, that should reduce symptoms.
92. With the increase in gestational age , fetal movement is also increasing.
93. A. There is a threefold increase in perinatal mortality, a twofold increase in abruptio placentae, and an increased rate of impaired fetal growth in pregnant women with preexisting hypertension.
94. The fetal bovine serum ( FBS ) has been widely used in biomedical research.
95. Most doctors order one between 16 and 20 weeks to check on the development of the baby verify fetal age and screen for certain birth defects.
96. The highly vascular fetal membrane that consists of the fused chorion and allantois, found adjacent to the eggshell in reptiles and birds and constituting the placenta in most mammals.
97. Conclusion The process of differentiation of fetal neural stem cells may rely on the gradual devitalization of telomerase activity.
98. A novel method based on support vector regression machine(SVRM) is proposed to extract the fetal electrocardiogram(FECG) from the abdominal composite signal of the pregnant woman.
99. Methods Through the two cases of Fetal malformation gastroschisis what is found by ultrasound and confirmed by pathologically, to explore the clinical significance of ultrasound diagnosis.
100. Results The constituent ratio of fetal anomaly was decreasing as dropsy of head, anencephalus, cheilopalatognathus and anterior abdominal wall discrepancy in the 53 cases.
101. Maternal reports of decreased fetal movement should be evaluated by an NST, CST, BPP, or modified BPP.
102. On the third month of pregnancy is the most vulnerable Teratogenicity fetal period, expecting mothers must guard against viruses and all kinds of toxic chemicals.
103. The DSP system, using floating-point processor TMS320VC33 of TI as the kernel, is designed to sample and extract the fetal electrocardiogram from abdomen of pregnant woman.
104. Aim:To investigate the effect of morphine on fetal movement, heart rate, hatch weight, hatch days and hatch rate.
105. Congenital rachitic call again fetal period rachitic, namely of the child rachitic had happened between gestation.
106. Conclusion Fetal distress may injure the cardiac function, no matter newborns suffocation.
107. Objective : To evaluate the value of biophysical score in the diagnosis of fetal distress.
108. The rate of fetal distress, amniotic fluid turbidity, and cesarean section increased greatly ( P & lt; 0.01 ), ...
109. This rodent proof of principle suggests that turning off BCL11A in people with sickle cell disease should allow them to produce enough fetal hemoglobin to reduce or eliminate their symptoms.
110. Frequent prenatal visits for monitoring maternal lood pressure, proteinuria, and fundal growth and by periodic sonographic estimation of fetal size are recommended.
111. We are very excited about that particular paper and the data it contains because this is the first time that the properties of a fetal liver stem cell have been characterized in that manner.
112. Beta-blockers are generally considered to be safe, although they may impair fetal growth when used early in pregnancy, particularly atenolol.
113. Congenital syphilis says the embryo passes syphilis again, it is syphilis helicoid to infect fetal syphilis via placenta.
114. Methods Fetal movement, fetal heart rate, ultrasonography, umbilical artery flow velocity were examined in 638 cases of pregnant women before delivery.
115. Fetal health during pregnancy, postpartum body has special efficacy of rehabilitation.
116. Conclusion; The fetal cerebral cortex graft tissue might survive and form neural connection with host brain after homograft transplantion.
117. Some may also lead to fetal cleft lip, cleft palate(, and so on.
118. Conclusion:Maternal serum PAPP-A might be a marker for predicting fetal chromosomal anomaly.
119. Methods The cultured osteoblast-like cells in vitro were isolated from fetal rat calvaria and the effects of PDGF on cellular DNA contents were observed under flow cytometer.
120. The present study showed that the bilaminar arrangement of the posterior layer of TLF was formed early in fetal period.
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