Similar words: stethoscope, those, pathos, bathos, benthos, lithosphere, ethoxy, get home. Meaning: ['iːθɒs] n. (anthropology) the distinctive spirit of a culture or an era.
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31. The government also pursued policies designed to encourage a commercial ethos in the remaining public enterprises.
32. There is now a growing conviction that the religious sources for a new public ethos have to be mobilised again.
33. They succeed by 105 l criticizing that ethos and by suggesting an alternative to it.
34. Consequently, while corporate structures have developed apace since reorganization, it is questionable whether the corporate ethos has become deeply rooted.
35. The school ethos was mainly concerned with turning out well-educated, potential wives of professional able-bodied men.
36. In this sense too, popular art was closer to the dominant ethos of the age than its high art counterparts.
37. Any traces have been obliterated by the advance of the ethos that we have inherited from our Cro-Magnon ancestors.
38. It is by acts of thoughtfulness that the school ethos is reinforced.
39. The dominant male ethos even leads to an unspoken complicity between cop and criminal.
40. In the late '60s(, thousands of people lived according to an ethos of sharing and caring.
41. There were good relationships between pupils and teachers in virtually all departments and a positive ethos in most.
42. He's not a big fan of the Trevor Horn kitchen-sink ethos.
43. Closely allied to our aims and ethos are the School's pastoral system and support network.
44. McLaughlin wants a chain that caters for buyers rather than browsers, but critics say that further undermines the Waterstone's ethos.
45. All excellent classical Chinese texts embody great ethos.
46. First of all[], inculcate the army ethos and values.
47. We must develop an ethos of cost consciousness.
48. Campus a beautiful environment, clean, good school discipline ethos.
49. How does the game evoke the ethos and atmosphere and pageantry of its setting?
50. This ethos underpins 'Brothers,' a sprawling, two-part novel that has just come out in an English translation in the U.S. and will be published in April in Britain.
51. Republicans scoff at the suggestion Mr Obama has a unique claim the public service ethos.
52. When I first broached the topic of defining indie, I discussed five areas of contestation (independent label/distribution, independent ethos, genre, aesthetic judgment, and not being mainstream).
53. It's an updating of vintage production values that typifies the Tru Thoughts ethos.
54. Science is a social institution that has special values, aims and ethos.
55. Another ethos is what he calls "fresh yet familiar, " or what might be called The Zippered Polo Problem.
56. If man somehow loses true ethos of humanity, sacrifice, romance will disappear in the impenetrate darkness.
57. First it has made the introduction to the theory background, then has defined what is modern ethos of schools, and sketchily summarized its characteristic and the representation.
58. The day could not be far distant when naturalism would dominate the ethos of American literature.
59. The internet is making news more participatory, social, diverse and partisan, reviving the discursive ethos of the era before mass media.
60. While Rand was hardly the first philosopher to advocate an ethos of individualism, reason, and self-interest, no one formulated it as accessibly or persuasively as she did--or as passionately.
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