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Estimating in a sentence

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Sentence count:152+1Posted:2017-09-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: estimationunderestimationestimateestimatedestimated time of arrivaloverestimateunderestimatetesting time
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121. This paper obtains oscillatory criteria for a class of even-order half-linear differential equation by using analytical method, and estimating the differential inequality.
122. Wave energy right now we are estimating is around fifty cents a kilowatt an hour.
123. It was concluded that ENG and EMG were valuable in qualitative and quantitative diagnosis. directing treatment and estimating prognosis in patients with peripheral prosopoplegia.
124. It offers the way of estimating the primitive traffic at some time and the length of primitive message aod the way of protocol distribution from the message sampled.
125. Cost Estimating - developing an approximation ( estimate ) of the costs of the resources needed to complete project activities.
126. This chapter describes methods of estimating airborne pollutant concentration distrubutions associated with various emission sources.
127. The regulation of the nail-fold microcirculatory flow and blood viscosity was investigated by Dual-window television automatic estimating system in 39 postnecrotic cirrhosis.
128. All of the following are outputs of cost estimating EXCEPT?
129. The interruption was used as the condition of backward recovery to get feasible bending process and the estimating formulation was used to get optimized bending sequence.
130. The country is one of the world's most destitute, with the CIA estimating per capita GDP at US$1,900[], meaning that many North Koreans survive at the subsistence level.
131. From analysis of combined needle roller bearing, the estimating formula of basic dynamic load rating for above bearing is derived.
132. Analysis of a case shows how the model to be applied in estimating dynamic risk for capital venture.
133. A novel scheme of estimating the carrier frequency offset in CDMA system continuouschannel is proposed.
134. The physical meaning and the geometric interpretation of these principles are given. The method of estimating sinusoid signal's parameters is presented by using the Signal Phase Matching Principle.
135. Simulation of one missile control and guide system shows that the proposed estimating method provides a good interface condition between medial guidance and terminal guidance.
136. The principle and methods estimating bending angles of the radio rays and atmospheric refractivity profiles with the mountain-based radio occultation data are given.
137. A fuzzy-based model for estimating the parameters (or boundary values) in each decision unit is also presented.
138. Conclusion: Activated charcoal powder is an effective method in estimating the function of maxillary sinus cilia.
139. Provided valuable chemical information for Lindera and offered reference for estimating medical effect of the genus in an all-round way.
140. The sampled stator voltages and currents were conversion to digital quantity and given to speed estimation system for estimating speed, then contrast it with the actual measured motor speed.
141. They have been calculated by estimating how much money a person would have to receive in a lump sum to bring the same amount of joy.
142. On the basis of estimating the critical fault state of generator set, the optimal maintenance schedule is determined according to minimal sum of the maintenance cost and the income loss.
143. In the meantime in-line estimating the bandwidth of defocusing signal and accordingly adjusting the writing rate can increase the writing efficiency.
144. Objective To study a simple method for estimating cosmic radiation effective dose rate for aircrew.
145. A model of estimating the THM concentration all nods in drinking water distribution system was established.
146. A fast algorithm for estimating the high - frequency conversion gain of CMOS Gilbert mixers is proposed.
147. A novel scheme of estimating the carrier frequency offset in CDMA system with the continuous pilot channel is proposed.
148. The principle and method of estimating the safe storage life of propellants using the thermal accelerating aging test.
149. This paper presents a new method for estimating two dimensional angle of arrival in the presence of coherent signal sources with two parallel linear array.
150. The estimating parameters, called the total speedup, total efficiency, and finish time are put forward.
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