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Estimating in a sentence

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Sentence count:152+1Posted:2017-09-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: estimationunderestimationestimateestimatedestimated time of arrivaloverestimateunderestimatetesting time
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91. In the third part, the model and method estimating volatility are discussed.
92. Estimating Compression: DB2 provides a stand-alone utility, DSN1COMP, which can be executed in order to determine how effective compressing the data will be.
93. The torque tube unbalance of turboshaft power turbine rotor is investigated and a test method for estimating the unbalance is introduced with high speed dynamic balance test.
93. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
94. The Feasibility of estimating winding deformation by measuring circuit reactance is analysedin detail in this paper.
95. Classification of translocation, segment size of translocation, sex of carriers and reproduction history should be considered when genetic counseling and risk estimating are carried out.
96. In target tracking domain estimating the true altitude of a target from 3-D radar is always been a challenge.
97. WBS'accuracy and definition is very important to cost estimating among the inputs.
98. And then a method called system input reconstruction for estimating dynamic system's time lags and an algorithm based on maximum likelihood estimation for extracting the time lags are presented.
99. By the method of estimating the probability distribution of training examples, a new and simple method of dealing with numeric attribute based on example distribution and entropy is turned out.
100. Objective To establish a novel speckle tracking algorithm for estimating myocardial motion.
101. There have been a great number of studies in estimating VaR. Most of which are focused on the point estimation of VaR.
102. According to the analysis of the pile driving the estimating method of pore water pressure of soil in surrounded pile is obtained under the computing assumption condition.
103. Up till now, the estimating method has no unifiable understanding. For this reason much controversy is often given rise to .
104. It is preliminarily tested and verified thereby that genetic algorithm is an effective method for estimating the parameters of the saccade oculomotor system.
105. People tend to round numbers when estimating their use of tabs.
106. In this paper(, A new markov chain monte carlo algorithm for estimating stochastic volatility model is given.
107. This allows you to link "estimating dimensions" with the major functional parts of the system expressed using function points.
108. The important action of eigenvector in estimating stability margin is investigated, and the limitation of both system damping and logarithmic decrement criteria is pointed out.
109. COX - 2 can become assistant biology index of estimating malignancy.
110. SCRUM projects can be estimated using standard function point estimating.
111. An empirical formula for estimating magnitude from maximum distance of registration of P-waves was found.
112. This paper solves some special estimating value problems of double integral with the help of the optimality principle and graphical solution of the linear programming.
113. A new type of method for estimating extinction efficient boundary values with least square fitting for inversion of slant angle lidar measurement is reported.
114. Using hierarchical hierarchical likelihood function and the process of estimating model are derived.
115. Conclusion Echocardiogram by thoraces possess important clinic value in diagnosis, orientation, therapeutic decision-making, estimating prognosis of infective endocarditis valve excrescence.
116. A new method based on elements and chemical bonds was developed for estimating critical volume of organic compounds.
117. A method for estimating the parameters of incident wave angle and incident power by the use of the extended kalman filter is proposed.
118. BIAS_APC function can set bias current of LD automatically by estimating threshold current of LD.
119. For estimating diesel oil's dry point and aviation kerosene's dry point in one soft sensor, RBF and PCA-RBF is used to establish the MIMO model.
120. We use nonparametric tests, we lose sharpness in estimating intervals.
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