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Endure in a sentence

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Sentence count:193+10Posted:2016-12-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bearcontinueexperiencefeellastpersistremainstandstaysuffertolerateundergoSimilar words: endurableenduranceduressprocedureend upend up withduringstand upMeaning: [ɪn'djʊə]  v. 1. put up with something or somebody unpleasant 2. face or endure with courage 3. continue to live; endure or last 4. undergo or be subjected to 5. last and be usable 6. persist for a specified period of time 7. continue to exist. 
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181. In the article we analyse the structure compose, the endure force status, the request of strength and stability on the domed bulkhead with nonaxisymmetry sphere-conical transitional annulated shell.
182. We need urgently to conclude a ceasefire that can endure and that can bring real security.
183. Prominent anthropologist Margaret Mead once noted that the increasing life expectancy of Americans made it absurd to think that all marriages would or even should endure for a lifetime.
184. Tony Blair, the Middle East envoy, said today the ceasefire would only endure if the peace process was revitalised.
185. To survive, the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers must endure an array of assaults from air,( water and land.
186. There's no longer any need to endure eight tracks of filler for a couple of decent tunes, but will "album albums" like Radiohead's Amnesiac get the widespread hearing they deserve?
187. In 1881, however, he said: "Now for many years I cannot endure to read a line of poetry. I have also almost lost my taste for pictures or music.
188. Tell the truth, luxuriant and beautiful is the sort of very lovely wife, this kind of ambiguous contact lets me be unable to bear or endure mind ripples, surprise mistily think of crotchet night.
189. Perhaps with luck, High Commander Pureblood will somehow endure and marshal the survivors.
190. Images of Hepburn dressed as Golightly - with gloves, an elaborate pearl choker and trademark cigarette holder- still endure.
191. If patience is worth anything, it must endure to the end of time.
192. But life, not all "endure", cervical spondylosis, scapulohumeral periarthritis, muscle strain, lumbar intervertebral disc, arthritis, hyperosteogeny, kid crazes...Often make you pain difficult "endure"!
193. As if willed to live by Diana's determination, Danae clung to life hour after hour, with the help of every medical machine and marvel her miniature body could endure.
More similar words: endurableenduranceduressprocedureend upend up withduringstand upon dutywind upindustryconductround upindulgestand up forundulantstand up toindulgentin due courseindustrialsurecurelureazureallureendpurelyfigureinjurebureau
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