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Edinburgh in a sentence

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Sentence count:264+14Posted:2018-10-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: burghburgherpittsburghinbreedingin bulkinbuiltsunburnunburnedMeaning: n. the capital of Scotland; located in the Lothian Region on the south side of the Firth of Forth. 
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121 Edinburgh ensures me that no wild animals are caught to replace dead animals.
122 In Edinburgh, she will face her stiffest competition of the season.
123 That apart, I would hesitate to enter the traditional fratricidal debate between Edinburgh and Glasgow.
124 Lothian Region and Edinburgh District councils are expected to approve the scheme next month and it could be operational within 18 months.
124 Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
125 Farmers near Girvan and Dunbar use these advantages to provide early potatoes for the large markets of Glasgow and Edinburgh.
126 At seven-thirty of the next morning clock the mighty Leviathan gasped its way into Edinburgh Central without any fanfare whatsoever.
127 Marjorie wore Evangeline's diamonds but, like the new bride, they failed to sparkle under a miserable Edinburgh sky.
128 If you have a family, you should have organised suitable long-term accommodation before bringing them with you to Edinburgh.
129 In these fields Edinburgh has established itself as a centre of excellence with an international reputation.
130 I played with men named George Craig, a smallish, balding retired Edinburgh gardener with powerful arms and a flat stomach.
131 The University and the City of Edinburgh provide an ideal environment for the degree course, academically and physically.
132 With Patricia Duncker's fictional account we follow Barry from tomboy to Edinburgh student, colonial doctor and heart-throb.
133 The only remaining obstacles are located at Wester Hailes, a residential development on the western outskirts of Edinburgh.
134 I received treatment on my injury every day in Edinburgh, so that by the end I was recovering well.
135 The plan will be dealt with at an Edinburgh licensing board meeting later this month.
136 Consequently Edinburgh and Sedgley put Kelly under pressure on the Leeds right.
137 They have two young children and moved to Edinburgh after Mr Rea experienced difficulty in finding work in Sheffield.
138 Edinburgh survived a narrow 65-64 win over Bedford in their pool and went on to defeat surprise semi-finalists Heriot Watt 70-42.
139 More comments followed the amended drafts which were circulated and discussed at open meetings in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
140 The protesters have also staged go-slows and traffic disruptions on motorways, and caused severe disruption in Edinburgh and Liverpool.
141 The Institute of Accountants is holding its conference in Edinburgh this year.
142 The Edinburgh side needed to move up a gear to jolt Celtic out of their rhythm.
143 But in Edinburgh they were opposed by extremely entrenched resistance from a determined group of employers.
144 The party's headquarters in Edinburgh said yesterday that only four people had resigned over the decision to support the Government.
145 A great deal of that historical information was conveniently stored at the University of Edinburgh, three hundred miles northwest of Cambridge.
146 The collapse must have been much commented on in the Edinburgh print and publishing trade, but the local press was discreet.
147 Primary adviser Iain MacDonald says Glasgow and Edinburgh are discussing joint publications on early intervention, words and numbers.
148 The first is to lay around 100 miles of cable television and telephone duct in Edinburgh for United Artists.
149 The lads beaten in Edinburgh were determined to regain their pride.
150 Although vengeance had been wreaked on the assassins in Edinburgh, that was still by no means the main administrative centre.
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