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Edinburgh in a sentence

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Sentence count:264+14Posted:2018-10-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: burghburgherpittsburghinbreedingin bulkinbuiltsunburnunburnedMeaning: n. the capital of Scotland; located in the Lothian Region on the south side of the Firth of Forth. 
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91 She was privately educated, then went to Edinburgh University and passed part of the preliminary examination in medicine.
92 The Edinburgh International Film Festival is the longest running film festival in the world and has experienced many ups and downs.
93 The handover to Edinburgh, Cardiff and London was botched, but it was Labour that created the new bodies.
94 But nothing had prepared her for the angry letter she received from the Duke of Edinburgh, says Morton.
94 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
95 There is a meeting of shareholders being planned to discuss the future of the Bank of Edinburgh.
96 The event will take place at the Royal Highland showground at Ingliston, Edinburgh.
97 The overnight sleeper to Edinburgh, popular with honeymoon couples, was a sedate and leisurely way to travel.
98 It is not readily apparent that Edinburgh is a busy seaport but a visit to Leith Docks can be a fascinating eye-opener.
99 The research will be based on archival sources and newspaper and government reports held in depositories in Edinburgh, Glasgow and London.
100 He was a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and deputy lieutenant of the county.
101 Later, we take a close look at the city of Edinburgh and the local scenery.
102 In Edinburgh I discovered all too soon that Sylvia Grey was not there either.
103 He went on writing busily in the journals which employed him, the Edinburgh Review and others.
104 But today she walked free from the High Court in Edinburgh after being given community service.
105 There is no reason why Edinburgh should not develop its own range of street furniture designed by some of our young talents.
106 I at once applied for leave, which was granted[], and set off for Edinburgh on the overnight train.
107 He offered his services to the Edinburgh Missionary Society as an overseas candidate, thus fulfilling a youthful ambition.
108 Edinburgh is very well endowed with library resources for associated research.
109 Research in both branches is pursued actively at Edinburgh University.
110 A segregated unit within an existing day centre has just opened at Stockbridge House, Edinburgh.
111 The fact that the patron of the movement was the Duke of Edinburgh is also not without significance.
112 The new date will avoid a clash in Edinburgh with the ScotlandFrance Rugby Union international the previous day.
113 Location Edinburgh provides an ideal location for the study of scientific and technical graphics.
114 The revamped centre was officially opened by the Duke of Edinburgh on June 26.
115 I was grateful for Jean's company on the long journey up to Edinburgh.
116 The assembled company was let loose on Edinburgh for the last time.
117 I fully appreciate the importance of GEC-Ferranti as an employer in Edinburgh and Lothian.
118 It was the young people of Edinburgh who took advantage of late-night hours, not visitors, he argued.
119 When Charlie heard the news of victory he was training some raw recruits on a rifle range in Edinburgh.
120 Edinburgh has yet to achieve parity core-funding with the younger London Film Festival.
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