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Dozens in a sentence

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Sentence count:292+7 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-06-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: dozendozedoze offbulldozebulldozercozenfrozenlozengeMeaning: ['dʌzn]  n. a large number or amount. 
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1. Dozens of villages have been razed.
2. He's got dozens of suits but not one of them is presentable.
3. Dozens of miles of railway track have been torn up.
4. Most office buildings have dozens of air ducts and vents.
5. They arrived in dozens .
6. Eggs are still sold in half dozens.
7. They potted dozens of rabbits.
8. Dozens of people were queueing up to get tickets.
9. Dozens of people were injured as fighting flared up.
10. The gang members committed dozens of armed robberies.
11. Dozens of servants had catered to his every whim.
12. Dozens of photographers were gathered outside Jagger's villa.
13. There are dozens of different dyes to choose from.
13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. Dozens of well-qualified teachers applied for the headship.
15. There were dozens of people there.
16. They had lifted dozens of CDs from the store.
17. She's got dozens of boy-friends.
18. Dozens of police descended on the building.
19. Dozens of reporters camped out on her doorstep.
20. I had to plough through dozens of legal documents.
21. I've been there dozens of times.
22. Dozens of flats had been completely destroyed.
23. She's had dozens of boyfriends.
24. Dozens of doctors and nurses have been working day and night for weeks.
25. Dozens of people milled around Charing Cross Road and Denmark Street.
26. We collected dozens and dozens of shells on the beach.
27. Violent storms wreaked havoc on the French Riviera, leaving three people dead and dozens injured.
28. There are all sorts of rumours in the air that dozens of people were dead in the fire.
29. There are all sorts of rumors in the air that dozens of people were dead in the fire.
30. The number of miners killed in the accident runs into dozens.
More similar words: dozendozedoze offbulldozebulldozercozenfrozenlozengefrozen assetscitizenshipzenoozeboozefrozeboozerbrazenzenithsnoozebedizenwizeneddenizencitizenschmoozebrazenlymao zedongbrazennesssenior citizenlensmen'stense
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