Similar words: document, documental, documentary, documentation, documentary film, integument, integumentary, lamented. Meaning: ['dɒkjʊmənt] adj. 1. furnished with or supported by documents 2. established as genuine 3. officially documented.
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121. The effects of smoking have been well documented.
122. The behavior is documented by this sample output.
123. Oerall, 2505 children a documented definite or suspected birthmark.
124. Documented growth in the size of the optic cup.
125. The book is highly documented.
126. New functions are represented and documented by IDES scenarios.
127. Is all of the above information documented and verifiable?
128. The researchers documented many new isopod species from the thousands of specimens collected. Some species were represented by just a single animal.
129. Formal short - term receivables documented by a promissory note and a provision for interest.
130. This can only be accomplished if versions of the FPGA design are well documented and carefully stored away for future retrieval. Board configuration control factors are listed below.
131. There lacks documented material for perfecting this vapor system thru a fuel injector; there may be some details you will discover on your own as working prototypes progress.
132. Near the spill site, researchers have documented a massive die-off of pyrosomes — cucumber-shaped(, gelatinous organisms fed on by endangered sea turtles.
133. The system features from the statement of work and request for proposal have been comprehensively documented using RequisitePro.
134. To be meaningful, the investigation should be thorough, timely, unbiased well - documented, and scientifically defensible.
135. They searched for the simplest life form they could find, choosing the bread mold Neurospora because its simple gene structure had been well documented.
136. The patient's medical treatment and care can be documented by the medical records kept.
137. The investigators thus concluded that ES reduced cholangitis in patients, with 1 documented attack of cholangitis and a high risk of stones even when no stones were seen on cholangiogram.
138. Such errors have been documented in almost all areas of the health care system, with emergency departments having the highest rate of preventable ADEs in hospitals.
139. The role of severe hypokalemia in triggering life - threatening ventricular arrhythmia is well documented.
140. A runtime software component is a dynamically bindable package of one or more programs managed as a unit and accessed through documented interfaces that can be discovered at runtime.
141. An organizational belief that information should be authorized, well documented, and "finished" in order to get published clashes with the wiki way of sharing work-in-progress.
142. Through the 28 documented cycles, stretching from 1745 to today, some variation in cycle length has been observed.
143. The scheme became a common trope in detective fiction, but there are almost no documented cases of a criminal forging another person's fingerprint.
144. This approach of using Sudafed expectorant tablets (the two types mentioned above) to reduce coughing is well documented.
145. The purpose of the work documented in this paper is to develop a human-robot interaction control system for an autonomous mobile robot.
146. Processes should be documented to the extent necessary to support effective and efficient operation.
147. Yet Human Rights Watch research has documented the presence and use of Chinese arms by the Sudanese government, the Janjaweed militia, Chadian rebels[], and Darfur rebels.
148. Sharpton's odyssey from stubborn outsider to ultimate insider is documented in the shift to well-tailored suits and a more modest coif.
149. He's talking about a cognitive limitation, "an important and pervasive problem in human reasoning" that he has documented by testing graduate students at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
150. Mithraism is best documented in the form it had acquired in the later Roman Empire.
More similar words: document, documental, documentary, documentation, documentary film, integument, integumentary, lamented, demented, segmented, tormented, pigmented, augmented, acumen, regimented, fragmented, implemented, ecumenical, contentedly, discontented, contented, monument, argument, emolument, procurement, instrument, monumental, contentment, entertainment, discontentment.