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Disheartened in a sentence

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Sentence count:50+5Posted:2017-06-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: disheartendishearteningheartenhearteningtender-heartedshortenedcold-heartedrene descartesMeaning: [dɪs'hɑːtn]  adj. made less hopeful or enthusiastic. 
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31. Don't be [ get ] disheartened at the news.
32. The bad news disheartened him.
33. Disheartened, Abruzzi heads back to gen pop.
34. The old-basket maker went home, disheartened.
35. She felt disheartened at her failure.
36. Being in low spirits; dejected and disheartened.
37. It disheartened all of us that she had been dismissed.
38. He went away in wrath and reported that I was hiding behind my ramparts and would not give battle and that I disheartened my army.
39. Even though I have no success right now, I am not disheartened.
40. Don't be disheartened, every one will have stage fright the first time.
41. And just as this seeming fact of nature disheartened many Libyans(, it bred a sense of untouchability in the dictator and his children.
42. Col . 3:21 Fathers , do not vex your children, that they may not be disheartened.
43. Fathers, do not vex your children, that they may not be disheartened.
44. I think it's fair to say that there are a good number of disheartened ReiserFS users out there who have found themselves in this unfortunate no-win situation.
45. Our army in Italy was somewhat disheartened by the removal of seven divisions.
46. She became quite dejected, disheartened from all further effort on her own part whatever.
46. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
47. He was not disheartened, and he continued with his researches.
48. He felt disheartened, as he had failed in the examination.
49. I get really disheartened because I still can't speak English well.
50. We do not be disheartened , cannot be unrealistically optimistic either.
More similar words: disheartendishearteningheartenhearteningtender-heartedshortenedcold-heartedrene descarteshalfheartedlightheartedkindheartedwarmheartedhalf-heartedwarm-heartedwholeheartedwholeheartedlyheart to heartheart diseaselearn by heartheartmishearchastenedfastenedat hearthearthheartytightenedflattenedbartenderheadquarter
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