Similar words: device, rhetorical device, device characteristic, crevice, advices, services, social services, evict. Meaning: [dɪ'vaɪs] n. an inclination or desire; used in the plural in the phrase `left to your own devices'.
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181. But individual nations also have recourse to the selective use of various devices for bending the rules of international free trade.
182. There are, of course, devices available to the government to stimulate innovation, and we discuss some of these below.
183. Neuroelectric devices were used during the last century without the blessing of the medical sciences.
184. This includes such things as computer-assisted instruction, teaching machines, programs, television, and other audiovisual devices.
185. Hanging from hooks on the wall were sets of wire-pulling devices, complete with chain winch and gripper.
186. Covert video cameras and hand-held laser devices will be among the equipment used at weekends, they warn.
187. Firemen found more than a dozen incendiary devices in the offices near Borden, Hants, used by scientists to study squirrels.
188. Publicity differs from the other promotional devices mentioned in this chapter in that it often does not cost the organization any money!
189. A few of these devices should be exploded every year to test whether the refurbishing is working up to snuff.
190. But energies are also expended on devices intended for introduction into the material culture of the host society.
191. Although it has innocent uses, devices like Happy Chip enable pirates to steal programs worth millions of pounds.
192. Sometimes different sequences may need quite marked adjustment using filters and other devices to achieve the right harmonious effect.
193. The Minister could use all sorts of devices to achieve improvements.
194. Laptops come with three basic types of pointing devices: a track ball, a mini-joystick or a touch pad.
195. Because stress is not available in written language, intricate syntactic devices have to be used to perform a similar function.
196. Thus the need for underground testing of nuclear devices, a practice now banned by the treaty.
197. Vary the programme with humour, audio-visual devices, music, movement, colour, question and answer sessions, guest appearances.
198. Stuart tries to treat all his characters as people with challenging lives rather than as one-dimensional storytelling devices.
199. Cypress now plans to concentrate on static RAMs(, programmable logic devices and its high-performance niche product lines.
200. Both services allow users to send their data over the Internet to company storage devices.
201. The creation of devices capable of producing resonance was the culmination of a long and patient exploration of sounds.
202. Inmos says the T9000 is easily scalable with no interface or buffer logic required to link multiple devices.
203. The shell raising and lowering mechanism was overhauled and a new electric motor fitted with modern gearing and cable adjusting devices.
204. For instance, which operating system will be the dominant player on these access devices?
205. The judges will look for simple and effective devices which also demonstrate market potential and value for money.
206. There was mayhem as shrapnel rained down on shoppers from devices placed in cast-iron litter bins less than ten yards apart.
207. On the days when I am left to my own devices I am a bit of a disgrace really.
208. But the incendiary devices were different from those used in previous arson attacks by the extremist group.
209. He adds that there also is a push to crack down on magazines and newspapers that advertise the devices.
210. They argue that this effluent fee would give motorists the proper incentive to ensure that exhaust emission control devices were efficiently maintained.
More similar words: device, rhetorical device, device characteristic, crevice, advices, services, social services, evict, deviate, devise, deviant, deviser, devious, daredevil, deviation, eviction, vice, vaudeville, novice, advice, viceroy, service, devil's advocate, speak of the devil, VOICES, vice versa, ice shelf, give the devil his due, auspices, civil service.