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Devices in a sentence

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Sentence count:278+8Posted:2017-04-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: devicerhetorical devicedevice characteristiccreviceadvicesservicessocial servicesevictMeaning: [dɪ'vaɪs]  n. an inclination or desire; used in the plural in the phrase `left to your own devices'. 
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151. Under the second category they considered investigations by private detectives, industrial espionage, technical surveillance devices, and finally computers.
152. If the scientists succeed, they will have taken a small step toward improving the efficiency of nuclear fusion devices.
153. Strange moss-covered devices were relics of the house's first electricity system, run by water.
154. Hardware used to capture video images, process them, and send the digitised images to storage devices.
155. The flies are allowed to settle on the surface and are left to their own devices.
156. Medtronic Inc. v. Lohr: Federal law does not prevent patients from suing manufacturers of defective medical devices in state courts.
157. The section for training in portable nuclear devices had been in the deep cellars of the monastery.
158. We added one further session to summarise useful devices for coping with and overcoming bulimia.
159. It is essential therefore that easily remembered navigational devices are built into the environment.
160. One of the earliest explosive devices was the petard, which was a mine used to breach castle walls or gates.
161. Various devices were used to encourage the development of separate identities between the two groups.
162. Subsequent writers re-orient and transform Spenser's devices to different contexts.
163. In 2 we examined the role of cohesive devices in creating coherence, but we also looked at their limitations.
164. As the Joyce example shows, this foregrounding is not limited to the more obvious poetic devices, such as metaphor and alliteration.
165. Now, 80 percent of the handguns sold in this country will come with the safety devices.
166. Weapons and other devices hung within his blood-red, high-collared cloak; and a communicator dangled from one ear lobe.
167. Suggest instructions to control a set of output devices, and extend your interrupt service routine accordingly.
168. It was because of the possibility of literary devices losing their defamiliarizing capacity that the distinction between device and function was introduced.
169. Devices like this poop scoop are better suited for domestic use.
169. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
170. The other class of devices are designed to detect the relative movement of freely suspended massive blocks.
171. Turn on or activate any security devices you have fitted.
172. These cleaning devices are meant to extend the life of your cassettes.
173. It also applies discounts to the cost of expanded memory, mass-storage devices and layered Hewlett-Packard software.
174. At the Cotswold Wildlife Park devices are fitted to their rare birds which are housed in large strengthened cages.
175. Compared with poetic devices like metaphor, they are probably rather mundane.
176. Left to their own devices, these free radicals cause tissue damage.
177. Cheaper memory, faster processors, and larger storage devices, come on to the market with increasing rapidity.
178. Eventually, officials plan to install the devices, which retail for $ 116, 000 apiece, throughout the 33-prison system.
179. Near us, on Hyde Park corner, men are regularly found proclaiming that such devices work.
180. The National Association for Elevator Safety says that most elevators have safety devices that prevent free-falls.
More similar words: devicerhetorical devicedevice characteristiccreviceadvicesservicessocial servicesevictdeviatedevisedeviantdeviserdeviousdaredevildeviationevictionvicevaudevillenoviceadviceviceroyservicedevil's advocatespeak of the devilVOICESvice versaice shelfgive the devil his dueauspicescivil service
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