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Devices in a sentence

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Sentence count:278+8Posted:2017-04-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: devicerhetorical devicedevice characteristiccreviceadvicesservicessocial servicesevictMeaning: [dɪ'vaɪs]  n. an inclination or desire; used in the plural in the phrase `left to your own devices'. 
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211. The removal of safety devices to speed up production, for instance, is often done with the tacit connivance of supervisors.
212. Investigator Charles Barnett said all three face felony conspiracy, burglary and explosive devices charges.
213. Use of invasive medical devices, such as indwelling catheters, often carries a risk for infection.
214. Assess the impact of modern medical devices on the emergence and prevention of nosocomial infections.
215. The implementation or administrative process is far too important to be left to its own devices.
216. Its long-term effect however was to provoke Edinburgh employers into various devices to evade the high piece-work rates stipulated by the Interlocutor.
217. But such devices were not yet generally accepted, and would not be-come generally available for another fifty years.
218. The hours of liberty are long, full of wonder and narrow escapes, precautions, hidden devices and daring.
219. Hoiographic Implementations One of the most promising devices for implementing neural networks may be holograms.
220. Mail bomb campaigns typically generate terror by sending devices one by one to diverse targets over an extended period of time.
221. Left to its own devices, Boulder Dam would require 100 years to cool down.
222. Heart patients have been implanted with ventricular devices to operate both chambers of their hearts.
223. It is concerned with understanding the world and has a set of distinctive methodological devices for engaging in that process.
224. These were very simple devices two small paraffin burners in square tins which gave a modest flame.
225. Army bomb disposal experts from Catterick military base in north Yorkshire are examining debris from both devices.
226. In towns, there are generally hydrants on the water mains or a pressure supply for sprinkler devices.
227. This is a specific form of market failure, since the market left to its own devices does not give sufficient knowledge.
228. But these devices allow it to remain out of water for only a short time.
229. A storefront sign or a business card are some of the most powerful branding devices around.
230. Now I must leave you to your own devices for a while.
231. Indeed these monitoring devices can be arranged to automatically signal a lift breakdown to a remote point by a telephone line.
232. The drives business is becoming a commodity market as most manufacturers produce devices with similar technology.
233. Heal thyself White says the technology could be used to toughen common devices like mobile phones.
234. The company makes medical devices that use laser technology for correcting nearsightedness and other eye disorders.
235. Agfa will be showing a pair of new devices while Xerox will have its new 1,200dpi ProImager device.
236. Left to its own devices, real ale stays in a drinkable condition for about a week.
237. No one has claimed responsibility for the devices, which were contained in musical holiday cards.
238. Cop shop: Police have opened their own cop shop at Darlington police station to sell personal attack alarms and security devices.
239. Reaching these wells will involve linking the drill to sophisticated sensing devices which can detect oil-bearing formations.
240. Other devices in the plan suffer from the opposite affliction: There is less to them than meets the ear and eye.
More similar words: devicerhetorical devicedevice characteristiccreviceadvicesservicessocial servicesevictdeviatedevisedeviantdeviserdeviousdaredevildeviationevictionvicevaudevillenoviceadviceviceroyservicedevil's advocatespeak of the devilVOICESvice versaice shelfgive the devil his dueauspicescivil service
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